Senate Bill 764 (as reported without amendment)

Senate Bill 765 (Substitute S-1 as reported)

Sponsor: Senator Walter H. North

Committee: Local, Urban and State Affairs


Senate Bill 764 would amend the Aeronautics Code to require the airport manager of an airport licensed under the Code to file a copy of the airport approach plan and the airport layout plan, if any, and a registration of the airport's name and mailing address with the zoning board, zoning commission, or other commission appointed to recommend zoning regulations, if any, of any township, county, village, or city that was located in whole or in part within the approach protection area.

Senate Bill 765 (S-1) would amend the City and Village Zoning Act to require a city or village to incorporate an airport layout plan or airport approach plan into a city or village zoning plan; provide for coordination between city and village zoning ordinances and airport zoning regulations, an airport layout plan, or an airport approach plan; and provide a notice to the airport manager of each airport affected by the adoption of a zoning ordinance.

("Airport approach plan" would mean a plan, or an amendment to a plan, adopted under the Airport Zoning Act, and filed with the commission appointed to recommend zoning regulations for a city or village. "Airport layout plan" would mean a plan, or an amendment to a plan, that showed current or proposed layout of an airport, that was approved by the Michigan Aeronautics Commission, and that was filed with a city or village zoning commission. "Airport zoning regulations" would mean the airport zoning regulations adopted under the Airport Zoning Act for an airport hazard area that lay in whole or part in the area affected by a zoning ordinance under the Act.)

The bills are tie-barred to each other.

MCL 259.9 & 259.151 (S.B. 764) - Legislative Analyst: N. Nagata


The bills would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.

Date Completed: 9-28-00 - Fiscal Analyst: C. Thiel

floor\sb764 - Analysis available @

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.