House Bill 4839
Sponsor: Rep. Paul DeWeese
Committee: Education
Complete to 9-23-99
House Bill 4839 would amend the Revised School Code to specify that a parent or guardian of a minor who was enrolled in a nonpublic school, or who is being home-schooled, could also enroll the minor in a school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy in any curricular offering, regardless of whether it was a core academic course or a nonessential elective course, that was available to students at that grade level or age group. The enrollment would have to meet the same requirements that apply to a full-time pupil's participation in the offering. Under the bill, this provision would apply subject to Section 166b of the State School Aid Act (MCL 388.1766b), which pertains to conditions under which a school district is provided state school aid for part-time pupils who are minors being home-schooled or enrolled in nonpublic schools.
House Bill 4839 also would amend the definition of "membership" found in the Revised School Code. Currently "membership" means the number of full-time equivalent pupils in a public school as determined by the number of pupils registered for attendance plus pupils received by transfer and minus pupils lost as defined by rules promulgated by the state board of education. Under the bill, the rules would be promulgated by the superintendent of public instruction rather than the state board. Further, the definition of "membership" would specify that a nonpublic school student who is enrolled part-time in a school district or intermediate school district would be considered a part-time pupil and would not be counted toward determining the school district's or intermediate school district's full-time equated membership on the same basis as any other part-time pupil.
MCL 380.5 and 380.1561
Analyst: J. Hunault