House Bill 4527
Sponsor: Rep. Larry DeVuyst
Committee: Transportation
Complete to 4-22-99
Under current law, in addition to any fine or cost ordered to be paid under the Michigan Vehicle Code, the judge, district or municipal court referee, or district or municipal court magistrate must levy a highway safety assessment of $5 and a secondary road patrol and training assessment of $5 for each civil infraction for a moving violation. The clerk of the court transmits the fees to the Treasury Department, and the state treasurer deposits them in the Highway Safety Fund and in the Secondary Road Patrol and Training Fund. The treasurer also annually reports to the legislature all revenues received and disbursed. The two funds are administered by the Department of State Police. Under the law, the money in the Highway Safety Fund must be used for the employment of additional state police enlisted personnel who enforce the traffic laws on the state's highways and freeways, and the money in the Secondary Road Patrol and Training Fund must be used for secondary road patrol and traffic accident grants, and for grants under the Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Act.
House Bill 4527 would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to increase the secondary road patrol and training assessment from $5 to $10.
MCL 257.629e
Analyst: J. Hunault