House Bill 4088
Sponsor: Rep. Deborah Cherry
Committee: Appropriations
Complete to 2-1-99
House Bill 4088 would create a new act to be called the "Michigan Summer Reading Program Act." The bill would appropriate $500,000 to the state library from the general fund for fiscal year 1999-2000, and would direct the state librarian to develop, promote, and maintain summer reading programs through participating public libraries. The summer reading programs would be required to coordinate services and share information with communities and local public schools in order to raise the awareness of the importance of learning to read. The bill would require that the programs primarily serve elementary school-aged children and be designed to assist children in maintaining and developing strong reading skills throughout the summer.
Under House Bill 4088, the funds appropriated for the reading programs could be used to expand and improve existing summer reading programs; to develop and distribute material that raises awareness in the community about the importance of reading; to foster communication between public libraries and surrounding communities, schools, and community organizations about the summer reading programs; to foster cooperation and communication between the state library and other public libraries in order to coordinate the programs and share information concerning summer reading programs; and to pay for the administrative costs of the state library, not to exceed five percent of the money expended. The funds could not be used to purchase material or equipment that is not directly related to the summer reading program.
House Bill 4088 would require that in September of each year, the state librarian report to the Legislative Council the number of participating public libraries and school-children involved in the programs operated during the preceding June, July, and August. The bill would define "public library" to mean a library recognized by the Legislative Council as lawfully established for purposes of receiving state aid and penal fines.
Analyst: J. Hunault