House Bill 5216 (Substitute S-1 as reported)
Sponsor: Representative Bob Brown
House Committee: Consumer Protection
Senate Committee: Financial Services
The bill would amend Public Act 227 of 1971, which prescribes the rights and duties of parties to home solicitation sales, to include a written solicitation in the definition of "home solicitation sale". Currently, the term is defined as "a sale of goods or services of more than $25.00 in which the seller or a person acting for the seller engages in a personal or telephonic solicitation of the sale at a residence of the buyer, and the buyer's agreement or offer to purchase is there given to the seller or a person acting for the seller".
The bill specifies that "home solicitation sale" would include sales arising from a postcard or other written notice delivered to a buyer's residence that requested that the buyer contact the seller or seller's agent by phone to inquire about a good or service, unless a postcard or written notice concerned a previous purchase or order or specified the price of the good or service and accurately described the good or service. "Home solicitation sale" would not include, however, a sale made pursuant to a printed advertisement in a publication of general circulation.
MCL 445.111 - Legislative Analyst: P. Affholter
The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.
Date Completed: 5-7-98 - Fiscal Analyst: B. BowermanFLOOR\HB5216 - Analysis available @ http://www.michiganlegislature.org
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.