House Bills 5167 through 5174 (H-1) (as reported without amendment)

Sponsor: Representative George Mans (H.B. 5167)

Representative Liz Brater (H.B. 5168-5173)

Representative William Callahan (H.B. 5174)

House Committee: Local Government

Senate Committee: Government Operations


The bills would amend various acts to provide that petitions, as well as the circulation and signing of petitions, under those acts would be subject to the provisions and penalties prescribed in Section 488 of the Michigan Election Law. (House Bill 5138 (H-1) would add Section 488 to the Michigan Election Law to specify that Section 544c would apply to a nominating petition for an office in a political subdivision under a statute that referred to Section 488, and to the circulation and signing of the petition. (Section 544c prescribes the size, form, content, and handling of nominating petitions; provides for violations of petition requirements; and prescribes penalties for violations.) Section 488 also provides that portions of Section 482 of the Election Law would apply to a petition to place a question on the ballot before the electorate of a political subdivision under a statute that referred to Section 488, and to the circulation and signing of the petitions. (Section 482 prescribes the form, content, and handling of petitions for initiative or referendum.) The bill states that a person who violated provisions of the Election Law regarding a petition described in Section 488, would be subject to penalties prescribed in the Election Law.)

The bills would apply to nominating petitions in primary elections, and to petitions to put questions before the voters in various elections. All of the bills are tie-barred to House Bill 5138.

The bills would amend the following Acts:

-- House Bill 5167 -- Public Act 160 of 1974, which provides for the adjustment of county boundaries.

-- House Bill 5168 (H-1) -- The Property Tax Limitation Act.

-- House Bill 5169 -- Public Act 161 of 1923, which provides for the establishment of county sinking funds.

-- House Bill 5170 -- The Industrial Development Revenue Bond Act.

-- House Bill 5171 -- Public Act 18 of 1933 (Extra Session), which authorizes local units of government to construct, acquire, operate, and bond for housing facilities.

-- House Bill 5172 -- The Metropolitan Council Act.

-- House Bill 5173 -- Public Act 57 of 1988, which provides for the incorporation of municipalities to provide emergency services.

-- House Bill 5174 (H-1) -- The Public Transportation Authority Act.

Proposed MCL 45.101a (H.B. 5167) - Legislative Analyst: G. Towne

MCL 211.205a & 211.205b (H.B. 5168)

Proposed MCL 141.40 (H.B. 5169)

Proposed MCL 125.1262a (H.B. 5170)

Proposed MCL 125.653a (H.B. 5171)

Proposed MCL 124.663a (H.B. 5172)

Proposed MCL 124.604a (H.B. 5173)

Proposed MCL 120.2a (H.B. 5174)


The bills would have no fiscal impact on State government.

There could be some minimal increases in administrative costs for local units to implement some of these changes. However, there are currently no data to indicate how much costs could increase.

Date Completed: 5-21-98 - Fiscal Analyst: E. Limbs


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.