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Legislative Session(s): 2001-2002
Document Type(s): Bills
Sponsor: John Pappageorge
Primary Sponsor Only: false
(497 results found)
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Document Type Description
HJR E of 2001 House Joint Resolution State; employees and officers; adoption of state officers compensation commission recommendation; allow for next legislative session only after a majority approves. Amends sec. 12, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: deposited with Secretary of State 12/20/01
HJR J of 2001 House Joint Resolution State; employees and officers; adoption of state officers compensation commission recommendation; allow legislature to approve recommendation or lesser amount determined by legislature. Amends sec. 12, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 02/23/01
HJR K of 2001 House Joint Resolution Retirement; public school employees; protection of the funds of the public school employees' retirement system; establish constitutionally. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 40 to art. IX.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 03/01/01
HJR L of 2001 House Joint Resolution Civil rights; privacy; use of social security numbers; include as privacy provision in state constitution. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 25 to art. I.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 03/01/01
HR 0016 of 2001 House Resolution A resolution memorializing the life of Ernest Boulan.
Last Action: adopted
HCR 0021 of 2001 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize the President and the Congress of the United States to develop, fund, and deploy a national missle defense system.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs
HCR 0036 of 2001 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize the President and the Congress of the United States to work to implement United Nations resolutions to bring peace and security to Cyprus.
Last Action: adopted by Senate - referred to the Clerk for record
HR 0293 of 2001 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States and the Food and Drug Administration to provide for an independent review and analysis of generic drugs submitted for approval.
Last Action: adopted
HB 4017 of 2001 House Bill Legislature; sessions; session to be preceded by pledge of allegiance; require. Amends 1877 PA 67 (MCL 4.41 - 4.46) by adding sec. 2a.
Last Action: vetoed by the Governor 12/30/02
HB 4057 of 2001
(PA 303 of 2002)
House Bill Health facilities; nursing homes; quality assurance assessment fee, prohibiting employment by certain health facilities of individuals with certain criminal history, and reporting of certain employer disciplinary action; provide for in certain cases. Amends title & sec. 20161 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.20161) & adds sec. 20173.
Last Action: assigned PA 0303'02
HB 4070 of 2001 House Bill Public employees and officers; ethics; ethics board and legislative ethics committee and standards; establish. Creates new act & repeals 1968 PA 317 (MCL 15.321 - 15.330), 1968 PA 318 (MCL 15.301 - 15.310) & 1973 PA 196 (MCL 15.341 - 15.348).
Last Action: referred to Committee on House Oversight and Operations
HB 4071 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; computer; damaging or destroying property by use of the internet; prohibit and provide penalties. Amends sec. 145d of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.145d).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4072 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; credit; donation to educational foundations and certain other educational organizations; provide for credit. Amends sec. 260 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.260).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4075 of 2001 House Bill Health facilities; nursing homes; requirement for 24-hour response time to consumer complaint/inquiry line; provide for. Amends sec. 21799a of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.21799a).
HB 4078 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; property tax credit; certain property used as a natural resources designated snowmobile trail; allow for credit. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 269.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4079 of 2001 House Bill Counties; funds; county burial allowance for certain veterans; increase asset limit. Amends sec. 1 of 1911 PA 235 (MCL 35.801).
HB 4080 of 2001
(PA 577 of 2002)
House Bill Communications; telephone; malicious telephone calls; increase penalties. Amends sec. 540e of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.540e).
Last Action: assigned PA 0577'02
HB 4097 of 2001 House Bill Sales tax; exemptions; nonprescription medications; exempt. Amends sec. 4g of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.54g).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4099 of 2001
(PA 14 of 2001)
House Bill Human services; children's services; self-defense training of children's protective services caseworkers; require, and allow children's protective services caseworkers to perform certain duties in pairs. Amends 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.1 - 400.119b) by adding sec. 115q. TIE BAR WITH: SB 0072'01 SB 0073'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0014'01
HB 4104 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; exemptions; primary care of family member over age 60; allow additional exemption under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4105 of 2001 House Bill Elections; absent voters; absent voter ballot availability; provide for with no reason required. Amends secs. 758, 759 & 759b of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.758 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4109 of 2001 House Bill Single business tax; credit; credit for the cost paid to purchase equipment to process recyclable materials; provide for. Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 39e. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4068'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4110 of 2001 House Bill Environmental protection; solid waste; transportation and disposal of solid waste generated outside of Michigan; restrict under certain circumstances. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 11514a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment
HB 4128 of 2001 House Bill Occupations; athletics; revisions to boxing statutes; provide for and impose certain charges, taxes, and fees. Creates new act & repeals art. 8 of 1980 PA 299 (MCL 339.801 - 339.814).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform
HB 4133 of 2001 House Bill Taxation; other; swamp tax; increase. Amends sec. 2150 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.2150).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4135 of 2001 House Bill Single business tax; rate; single business tax rate reduction; provide for. Amends sec. 31 of 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.31). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4136'01 HB 4137'01 HB 4138'01 HB 4139'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4136 of 2001 House Bill Single business tax; rate; single business tax rate reduction; provide for. Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 31b. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4135'01 HB 4137'01 HB 4138'01 HB 4139'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4137 of 2001 House Bill Single business tax; rate; accelerated rate reduction; provide for. Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 31c. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4135'01 HB 4136'01 HB 4138'01 HB 4139'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4138 of 2001 House Bill Single business tax; rate; accelerated rate reduction; provide for. Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 31d. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4135'01 HB 4136'01 HB 4137'01 HB 4139'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4139 of 2001 House Bill Single business tax; rate; accelerated rate reduction; provide for. Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 31e. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4135'01 HB 4136'01 HB 4137'01 HB 4138'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4140 of 2001
(PA 262 of 2001)
House Bill Courts; other; cyber court; create. Amends 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.101 - 600.9948) by adding ch. 80.
Last Action: assigned PA 0262'01
HB 4153 of 2001 House Bill Consumer protection; home solicitation sales; telemarketing; provide for regulation. Amends title & secs. 1, 1a & 7 of 1971 PA 227 (MCL 445.111 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Energy and Technology
HB 4154 of 2001 House Bill Consumer protection; home solicitation sales; telemarketing; require a toll-free information line and notification to residential telephone subscribers. Amends 1971 PA 227 (MCL 445.111 - 445.117) by adding sec. 9. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4153'01
HB 4155 of 2001 House Bill School aid; categoricals; golden apple award; revise qualifications. Amends sec. 96 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1696).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education
HB 4162 of 2001 House Bill Elections; precinct boundaries; consolidation of voting precincts; allow under certain circumstances. Amends 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.1 - 168.992) by adding sec. 659.
HB 4163 of 2001 House Bill Sales tax; exemptions; trade-in value of motor vehicles; exempt from purchase price. Amends sec. 1 of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.51).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4164 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; exemptions; primary care of family member over age 60; allow additional exemption under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4190 of 2001 House Bill Education; curricula; golden apple program; revise eligibility and amend. Amends sec. 96 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1696).
HB 4192 of 2001 House Bill Local government; financing; police, fire, and ambulance service charges; authorize placement on tax roll. Amends sec. 6a of 1951 PA 33 (MCL 41.806a).
HB 4193 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; motor vehicle plate fee for certain veterans; reduce. Amends sec. 803e of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.803e).
Last Action: placed on third reading
HB 4194 of 2001 House Bill Water; quality; pilot program for ballast water monitoring and sterilization; establish. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 32912. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4248'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation
HB 4200 of 2001 House Bill Liquor; drinking age; penalties for minor who purchases, attempts to purchase, consumes, attempts to consume, possesses, or attempts to possess an alcoholic beverage; increase. Amends sec. 703 of 1998 PA 58 (MCL 436.1703).
HB 4217 of 2001
(PA 424 of 2002)
House Bill Housing; landlord and tenants; housing-with-services contract act; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0424'02
HB 4225 of 2001 House Bill Veterans; cemeteries; cemetery for veterans; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4226 of 2001 House Bill Civil rights; religious discrimination; certain displays on public property; authorize and regulate. Creates new act.
Last Action: postponed for the day
HB 4227 of 2001 House Bill Civil rights; public records; providing false information or not responding to freedom of information act request; establish penalties. Amends secs. 5 & 10 of 1976 PA 442 (MCL 15.235 & 15.240).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 4228 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; other; providing false information to legislative committee; prohibit under certain circumstances and provide a penalty. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 411t.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 4229 of 2001 House Bill Weapons; licensing; procedures for issuing pistol purchase permits; revise. Amends sec. 2 of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.422).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 4230 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; exemptions; personal exemption; increase. Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4231 of 2001 House Bill Natural resources; other; state's right of first refusal to privately held land within a state land reserve; eliminate. Amends sec. 502a of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.502a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment
HB 4232 of 2001 House Bill Taxation; severance; distribution formula for severance tax; modify. Amends 1929 PA 48 (MCL 205.301 - 205.317) by adding sec. 14a. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4233'01
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4233 of 2001 House Bill Taxation; severance; distribution of oil and gas severance tax revenue; revise. Amends sec. 14 of 1929 PA 48 (MCL 205.314). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4232'01
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4253 of 2001
(PA 52 of 2001)
House Bill Appropriations; community colleges; community and junior colleges; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0052'01
HB 4254 of 2001
(PA 60 of 2001)
House Bill Appropriations; community health; department of community health; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002. Creates new act.
Last Action: line item(s) referred to committee on Appropriations
HB 4255 of 2001
(PA 41 of 2001)
House Bill Appropriations; corrections; department of corrections; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0041'01
HB 4256 of 2001
(PA 42 of 2001)
House Bill Appropriations; education; department of education; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0042'01
HB 4257 of 2001
(PA 43 of 2001)
House Bill Appropriations; environmental quality; department of environmental quality; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0043'01
HB 4258 of 2001
(PA 118 of 2001)
House Bill Appropriations; higher education; higher education; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: assigned PA 0118'01
HB 4259 of 2001
(PA 44 of 2001)
House Bill Appropriations; natural resources; department of natural resources; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0044'01
HB 4260 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; agriculture; department of agriculture; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4261 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; other; department of career development and Michigan strategic fund; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4262 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; capital outlay; 2001-2002 fiscal year; provide for.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4263 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; consumer and industry services; department of consumer and industry services and Michigan jobs commission; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4264 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; family independence agency; family independence agency; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4265 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; general; general government; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4266 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; other; judiciary budget; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4267 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; military affairs; department of military affairs; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4268 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; state police; department of state police; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4269 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; transportation; state transportation department; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4308 of 2001 House Bill Use tax; exemptions; vehicles donated by nonprofit organizations to certain individuals; provide for. Amends 1937 PA 94 (MCL 205.91 - 205.111) by adding sec. 4w.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4309 of 2001 House Bill Sales tax; exemptions; food sold at state parks; eliminate. Amends sec. 4g of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.54g).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4310 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; registration; registration fee based on highest bluebook or sale value; require. Amends sec. 801 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.801).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 4311 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; forms; postcard size income tax return form; provide for option. Amends secs. 311, 439 & 440 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.311 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4331 of 2001 House Bill Transportation; railroads; obstruction of vehicular traffic by a train; revise to include "or employee". Amends sec. 391 of 1993 PA 354 (MCL 462.391).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 4332 of 2001 House Bill Economic development; renaissance zones; senior service millage within a renaissance zone; hold harmless. Amends sec. 12 of 1996 PA 376 (MCL 125.2692).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 4333 of 2001
(PA 180 of 2001)
House Bill Retirement; public school employees; definition of person not regularly employed by a reporting unit; revise. Amends sec. 5 of 1980 PA 300 (MCL 38.1305).
Last Action: assigned PA 0180'01
HB 4334 of 2001 House Bill Retirement; state employees; cap on death benefits; eliminate. Amends sec. 27 of 1943 PA 240 (MCL 38.27).
HB 4343 of 2001 House Bill Property tax; senior citizens; property tax on homestead; defer taxes for homestead owned by a senior citizen and create revolving fund. Amends title and secs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8a, 9 & 10 of 1976 PA 225 (MCL 211.761 et seq.) & adds sec. 4a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4351 of 2001 House Bill Elections; ballots; printed instructions on ballots, voting devices, and placards clarifying assistance of election officials; require. Amends secs. 560, 666, 706 & 777 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.560 et seq.).
HB 4352 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; specialty plates for ducks unlimited; provide for. Amends sec. 811e of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.811e) & adds sec. 811o.
HB 4394 of 2001 House Bill Health; other; use of "safe needles"; require in health care facilities. Amends 1974 PA 154 (MCL 408.1001 - 408.1094) by adding sec. 24a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy
HB 4411 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; home heating credit; qualifications for eligibility for home heating credit; revise to 150% of poverty level and eliminate sunset. Amends sec. 527a of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.527a).
HB 4413 of 2001 House Bill Single business tax; exemptions; exemption of percentage of adjusted tax base; provide for. Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 39d.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4418 of 2001 House Bill Appropriations; supplemental; funding for blue ribbon committee on special education; provide for. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4419'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4419 of 2001 House Bill Education; special; blue ribbon committee on special education; create. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1705.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education
HB 4426 of 2001 House Bill Natural resources; other; boat launch fees; revise for senior citizens. Amends sec. 78105 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.78105).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation
HB 4427 of 2001 House Bill Recreation; parks; daily park fees; revise for veterans. Amends sec. 74117 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.74117).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation
HB 4428 of 2001 House Bill Education; teachers; individuals qualified to serve as substitute teachers; include individuals who have completed 90 hours of instruction at a community college. Amends sec. 1233 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1233).
HB 4431 of 2001 House Bill Health; anatomical gifts; individuals legally authorized to make an anatomical gift for another; add patient advocates. Amends secs. 1106, 5506, 5507 & 5510 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.1106 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4430'01
HB 4440 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; specialty plate for "very special arts"; create as a fund-raising plate and earmark a portion of proceeds to the Michigan transportation fund. Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding sec. 811o.
Last Action: public hearing scheduled 11/12/02
HB 4446 of 2001 House Bill Trade; labeling; candlewicks containing lead; require labeling of candles and provide a 1-year phaseout provision for lead candles and candlewicks distributed in Michigan. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding part 172.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 4450 of 2001 House Bill Health facilities; nursing homes; patient abuse; revise investigation and disciplinary proceedings in accordance with federal law. Amends sec. 21771 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.21771).
HB 4451 of 2001 House Bill Health facilities; nursing homes; nursing home quality of life review commission; create. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 21769.
HB 4453 of 2001 House Bill Human services; adult foster care; adult foster care facilities; prohibit employment of individuals with certain criminal history and require facilities to conduct criminal history check for new employees. Amends 1979 PA 218 (MCL 400.701 - 400.737) by adding sec. 34a.
HB 4454 of 2001
(PA 680 of 2002)
House Bill Taxation; other; airport parking tax act; conditionally repeal, reduce tax, and modify act. Amends sec. 3 of 1987 PA 248 (MCL 207.373), adds sec. 7a & repeals sec. 7 of 1987 PA 248 (MCL 207.377) & 1987 PA 248 (MCL 207.371 - 207.383).
Last Action: assigned PA 0680'02
HB 4459 of 2001
(PA 93 of 2001)
House Bill Economic development; enterprise zones; neighborhood enterprise zone expansion to include exemption for certain homes; provide for. Amends sec. 4 of 1992 PA 147 (MCL 207.774).
Last Action: assigned PA 0093'01
HB 4460 of 2001 House Bill Labor; youth employment; minors to volunteer for certain adult-supervised construction activities; allow under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 19 of 1978 PA 90 (MCL 409.119).
HB 4461 of 2001 House Bill Property tax; assessments; construction, renovation, and transfer of residential housing by a charitable housing organization; revise assessment calculation. Amends secs. 27a & 34d of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.27a & 211.34d).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4476 of 2001 House Bill Sales tax; other; cap on taxable portion of natural gas; provide for. Amends 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.51 - 205.78) by adding sec. 4aa. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4478'01
HB 4478 of 2001 House Bill Public utilities; other; utility users support fund; establish. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4476'01 HB 4477'01
HB 4479 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; credit; cost of weatherization materials and energy efficient appliances; provide for under certain circumstances. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 269.
HB 4480 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; home heating credit; qualifications for eligibility for home heating credit; allow for incomes between 110% and 125% of poverty level, extend credit through 2004, and change credit calculation. Amends sec. 527a of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.527a).
HB 4481 of 2001
(PA 169 of 2001)
House Bill Income tax; home heating credit; extension of the home heating credit; provide for. Amends sec. 527a of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.527a).
Last Action: assigned PA 0169'01
HB 4482 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; checkoff; home heating credit fund; provide for check-off option. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 438.
HB 4483 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; other; home heating credit fund; establish. Creates new act.
HB 4484 of 2001 House Bill Public utilities; electric utilities; shutoff protection procedures; amend. Amends sec. 10t of 1939 PA 3 (MCL 460.10t).
HB 4485 of 2001 House Bill Public utilities; gas utilities; shutoff provisions for natural gas distributors and suppliers; provide for. Amends 1939 PA 3 (MCL 460.1 - 460.10cc) by adding sec. 9.
HB 4486 of 2001 House Bill Traffic control; traffic regulation; amount of property damage to require an accident report; increase. Amends sec. 622 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.622).
HB 4487 of 2001
(PA 15 of 2002)
House Bill Commercial code; sales; price of goods for which a writing is required for an enforceable contract; increase minimum to $1,000.00. Amends sec. 2201 of 1962 PA 174 (MCL 440.2201).
Last Action: assigned PA 0015'02
HB 4488 of 2001 House Bill School aid; categoricals; teacher technology initiative grant program; revise to allow intermediate districts to participate. Amends secs. 11 & 97 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1611 & 388.1697).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4514 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; other; criminal provision relating to inciting an individual to violate a peace treaty with an Indian native or tribe; repeal. Repeals sec. 348 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.348).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4515 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime inciting an individual to violate a peace treaty with an Indian native or tribe; eliminate. Amends sec. 16q, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16q). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4514'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4524 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; snowmobiles; riding on snowmobile trail without a permit; increase fine. Amends sec. 82118 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.82118).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation
HB 4525 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; snowmobiles; safety certificate for snowmobiles; require if born after January 1, 1985. Amends sec. 82108 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.82108).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4527 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; snowmobiles; red or blue colored headlight lens caps; prohibit. Amends sec. 82131 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.82131).
HB 4528 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; snowmobiles; maximum width of snowmobile; establish as 48 inches. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 82123a.
HB 4529 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; snowmobiles; registration of antique snowmobile; provide for. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 82105a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation
HB 4530 of 2001 House Bill Environmental protection; landfills; disposal of beverage containers in landfills; prohibit. Amends secs. 11502 & 11514 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.11502 & 324.11514).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 4532 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; specialty plate for United States peace corps; provide for. Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding sec. 803r.
Last Action: public hearing scheduled 11/12/02
HB 4533 of 2001 House Bill Veterans; benefits; bonus payments to veterans of the Persian Gulf War; provide for and establish funding. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4546 of 2001 House Bill Children; custody; perpetrator of domestic violence; enact presumption against award of child custody. Amends secs. 2 & 5 of 1970 PA 91 (MCL 722.22 & 722.25).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 4548 of 2001
(PA 158 of 2001)
House Bill Economic development; enterprise zones; collection of first year tax assessment on certain property for the neighborhood enterprise zone tax; revise. Amends sec. 10 of 1992 PA 147 (MCL 207.780).
Last Action: assigned PA 0158'01
HB 4549 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; weapons; penalties for using a firearm at time of commission or attempted commission of a felony; increase. Amends sec. 227b of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.227b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4550 of 2001
(PA 18 of 2001)
House Bill Traffic control; parking; disabled person parking permit; allow for out-of-state physician signatures accompanied by a copy of the physician's license to practice. Amends sec. 675 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.675).
Last Action: assigned PA 0018'01
HB 4561 of 2001 House Bill Children; support; incarcerated parent; prohibit modification of child support during incarceration. Amends 1982 PA 295 (MCL 552.601 - 552.650) by adding sec. 5.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 4562 of 2001
(PA 163 of 2001)
House Bill Health; diseases; information on meningitis and meningitis vaccination; identify and make available to institutions of higher education and high schools. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 9205a.
Last Action: assigned PA 0163'01
HB 4576 of 2001
(PA 56 of 2001)
House Bill Highways; name; renaming a certain portion of I-69; establish as "Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway". Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0056'01
HB 4579 of 2001 House Bill Education; teachers; duration of substitute teacher's permit; revise. Amends sec. 1538 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1538).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4583 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; trucks; trucks transporting goods from farms that do not have scales; allow leeway in weight restriction. Amends sec. 724 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.724).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management
HB 4584 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; trucks; overweight load; allow state police to stop vehicle and revise fine procedures. Amends secs. 724 & 907 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.724 & 257.907).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 4587 of 2001 House Bill Retirement; state employees; reduction of duty disability retirement benefits; prohibit under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 33 of 1943 PA 240 (MCL 38.33).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement
HB 4592 of 2001 House Bill Elections; initiative and referendum; ballot proposals to be submitted on the same date as primary and general elections; require. Amends secs. 358a, 635, 649 & 707 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.358a et seq.) & repeals sec. 640 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.640).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 4593 of 2001 House Bill Elections; local; ballot question to be submitted to the electors on the same day as a regularly scheduled election; require. Amends sec. 6a of 1923 PA 116 (MCL 41.416a). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4592'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 4594 of 2001 House Bill Elections; local; ballot question to be submitted to the electors on the same day as a regularly scheduled election; require. Amends secs. 4, 7, 14, 17 & 26 of 1909 PA 278 (MCL 78.4 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4592'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 4595 of 2001 House Bill Elections; local; ballot question to be submitted on the same date as a regularly scheduled election; require. Amends secs. 3 & 16 of 1966 PA 293 (MCL 45.503 & 45.516). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4592'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 4596 of 2001 House Bill Traffic control; civil infraction procedures; penalties for reckless driving in a parking lot; increase. Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding sec. 626c & repeals 1931 PA 214 (MCL 752.191 - 752.192).
HB 4597 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of felonious driving; amend to reflect creation of new statute and repeal of old. Amends sec. 12, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.12). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4596'01
HB 4599 of 2001
(PA 578 of 2002)
House Bill Trade; hazardous substances; sale of mercury thermometers in the state of Michigan; prohibit. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding pt. 172.
Last Action: assigned PA 0578'02
HB 4604 of 2001 House Bill Insurance; health care corporations; uniform prescription drug information card; require health care corporation to use. Amends 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1101 - 550.1704) by adding sec. 401i. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4607'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services
HB 4605 of 2001
(PA 743 of 2002)
House Bill Retirement; state employees; calculation of multiplier for certain corrections employees required to transfer to "noncovered" positions; revise, provide for a report, and provide early retirement for certain legislative and judicial employees. Amends secs. 11, 13, 45, 46 & 47 of 1943 PA 240 (MCL 38.11 et seq.) & adds secs. 19i and 47a.
Last Action: assigned PA 0743'02
HB 4607 of 2001
(PA 708 of 2002)
House Bill Insurance; health plans; uniform prescription drug information card; create. Amends 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.100 - 500.8302) by adding sec. 2213d.
Last Action: assigned PA 0708'02
HB 4621 of 2001
(PA 217 of 2001)
House Bill Economic development; enterprise zones; neighborhood enterprise zone definition and sunset; modify. Amends secs. 2, 3, 9, 10, 11 & 12 of 1992 PA 147 (MCL 207.772 et seq.) & repeals sec. 17 of 1992 PA 147 (MCL 207.787).
Last Action: assigned PA 0217'01
HB 4628 of 2001 House Bill Education; board members; school elections; require to be held with general election and repeal certain election provisions in school code. Amends secs. 3, 5, 6, 11a, 613, 616, 617, 661, 701, 702, 703, 705, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 861, 932, 945 & 1361 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.3 et seq.); adds sec. 1206 & repeals sec. 662, pt. 12 & pt. 14 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 38 TIE BAR WITH: HB 4629'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 4629 of 2001 House Bill Elections; school; consolidation of school elections and general elections; provide for in election law. Amends secs. 30a, 500f, 500g, 501a, 505, 509n, 509r, 509gg, 544c, 644k, 690, 862, 863, 954 & 972 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.30a et seq.) & adds sec. 17 & ch. XIV. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4628'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 4651 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; specialty plates for "ex-POWs"; allow current spouses to obtain and remove service fee. Amends sec. 803e of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.803e).
HB 4655 of 2001
(PA 360 of 2002)
House Bill Health; funding; priority of funding for family planning programs and services; revise procedure used by department of community health. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0360'02
HB 4667 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; credit; contributions to a historical museum; provide for credit. Amends sec. 260 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.260).
HB 4672 of 2001
(PA 51 of 2002)
House Bill Education; other; model local policy concerning the administration of medications to students at school; provide for. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1178a.
Last Action: assigned PA 0051'02
HB 4675 of 2001
(PA 675 of 2002)
House Bill Retirement; judges; rate of supplemental retirement allowance; revise. Amends 1992 PA 234 (MCL 38.2101 - 38.2670) by adding sec. 512.
Last Action: assigned PA 0675'02
HB 4691 of 2001 House Bill Mobile homes; parks; inspection of mobile home parks; clarify. Amends sec. 17 of 1987 PA 96 (MCL 125.2317).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment
HB 4696 of 2001 House Bill Environmental protection; other; "dark sky preserve"; repeal sunset. Repeals sec. 75106 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.75106).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation
HB 4700 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; fleeing and eluding; penalties for fleeing and eluding; amend vehicle code to increase under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 602a of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.602a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4701 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; fleeing and eluding; penalties for fleeing and eluding; amend penal code to increase under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 479a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.479a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4704 of 2001 House Bill Labor; fair employment practices; penalties for whistleblower protection violators; increase and extend application of law to certain employees of contract agencies. Amends secs. 1 & 5 of 1980 PA 469 (MCL 15.361 & 15.365).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety
HB 4720 of 2001 House Bill Villages; general law; procedures to approve annexation petition; revise. Amends sec. 6, ch. XIV of 1895 PA 3 (MCL 74.6) & adds sec. 6b to ch. XIV.
HB 4721 of 2001 House Bill Villages; other; home rule village procedures to approve annexation petition; revise. Amends secs. 4 & 5 of 1909 PA 278 (MCL 78.4 & 78.5).
HB 4722 of 2001 House Bill Cities; home rule; procedures to approve annexation petition; revise. Amends sec. 9 of 1909 PA 279 (MCL 117.9).
HB 4723 of 2001 House Bill Townships; general law; procedures to approve annexation petition; revise. Amends 1846 RS 16 (MCL 41.1a - 41.110c) by adding sec. 104a.
HB 4724 of 2001 House Bill State; boundaries; voting requirement for annexation by home rule city; revise. Amends sec. 11b of 1968 PA 191 (MCL 123.1011b).
HB 4725 of 2001 House Bill Townships; charter; procedures to approve annexation petition; revise. Amends sec. 34 of 1947 PA 359 (MCL 42.34).
HB 4733 of 2001
(PA 181 of 2001)
House Bill Veterans; other; veterans who did not graduate but joined the armed forces during World War II; grant high school diploma to. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0181'01
HB 4750 of 2001 House Bill Human services; medical services; medicaid coverage for nurse midwives; provide for. Amends 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.1 - 400.119b) by adding sec. 109h.
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 4751 of 2001 House Bill Insurance; health; coverage for nurse midwives; provide for. Amends 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.100 - 500.8302) by adding sec. 3406l.
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 4752 of 2001 House Bill Insurance; health care corporations; coverage for nurse midwives; provide for. Amends 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1101 - 550.1704) by adding sec. 416d.
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 4757 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; statute of limitations; provision relating to 10-year statute of limitations requirement for "conspiracy to commit murder"; eliminate. Amends sec. 24, ch. VII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 767.24).
HB 4762 of 2001 House Bill Transportation; other; tax on amount of mileage driven in this state; prohibit. Amends sec. 8 of 2000 PA 403 (MCL 207.1008).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 4769 of 2001 House Bill Health; other; penalties for performing tattoo, body-piercing, or branding procedures on minors without parental consent; increase. Amends sec. 13103 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.13103).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4770 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of body-piercing, tattooing, or branding minor without parental consent; enact. Amends sec. 13, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.13). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4769'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4775 of 2001
(PA 170 of 2001)
House Bill Labor; hours and wages; reciprocal wage agreements; expand to include Canada and Canadian provinces and territories. Amends sec. 11a of 1978 PA 390 (MCL 408.481a).
Last Action: assigned PA 0170'01
HB 4776 of 2001
(PA 139 of 2001)
House Bill Health; occupations; licensure of nursing home administrators; provide for under the public health code. Amends secs. 16131, 16263 & 21720 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16131 et seq.); adds sec. 16328 & pt. 173 & repeals art. 19 of 1980 PA 299 (MCL 339.1901 - 339.1910) & sec. 47 of 1979 PA 152 (MCL 338.2247).
Last Action: assigned PA 0139'01
HB 4777 of 2001 House Bill Insurance; health; dermatology direct access; provide for. Amends 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.100 - 500.8302) by adding sec. 3406q.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services
HB 4778 of 2001 House Bill Insurance; health care corporations; dermatology direct access; provide for. Amends 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1101 - 550.1704) by adding sec. 401i.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services
HB 4791 of 2001
(PA 126 of 2001)
House Bill Transportation; funds; Soo locks fund; establish as a separate restricted fund within comprehensive transportation fund. Amends title of 1976 PA 295 (MCL 474.51 - 474.70) & adds sec. 17a.
Last Action: assigned PA 0126'01
HB 4793 of 2001
(PA 131 of 2001)
House Bill Torts; governmental immunity; "governmental function" definition; add specific circumstance. Amends sec. 1 of 1964 PA 170 (MCL 691.1401).
Last Action: assigned PA 0131'01
HB 4802 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; larceny; penalties for theft of a firearm; increase. Amends sec. 357b of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.357b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4803 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of larceny of firearm; remove for sentencing guidelines to reflect penalty allowing no judicial discretion. Amends sec. 16r, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16r). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4802'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4804 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; weapons; criminal violations committed with a stolen firearm; establish liability. Amends sec. 357b of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.357b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4805 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of larceny of firearm that is subsequently used to commit a felony; provide for. Amends sec. 16r, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16r). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4804'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4813 of 2001
(PA 134 of 2001)
House Bill Traffic control; violations; penalties for reckless driving; update references in vehicle code to correspond with repeal of felonious driving statute and include felonious driving in the vehicle code. Amends secs. 319 & 732 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.319 & 257.732); adds secs. 58c & 626c & repeals 1931 PA 214 (MCL 752.191 - 752.192). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4596'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0134'01
HB 4818 of 2001
(PA 637 of 2002)
House Bill State; historic sites; Vietnam memorial monument; allow monument fund to be used for maintenance of monument and memorial park. Amends title & secs. 3 & 7 of 1988 PA 234 (MCL 35.1053 & 35.1057).
Last Action: assigned PA 0637'02
HB 4820 of 2001
(PA 266 of 2001)
House Bill Agriculture; products; grade A milk and milk products; recodify. Creates new act & repeals 1965 PA 233 (MCL 288.21 - 288.29a) & R 285.408.1 - R 285.408.5. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4829'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0266'01
HB 4824 of 2001 House Bill Education; financing; purposes for which sinking funds may be used; revise to include purposes for which bonds may be issued. Amends sec. 1212 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1212).
HB 4825 of 2001 House Bill Transportation; funds; transportation economic development fund; establish statutory minimums for certain categories. Amends sec. 11 of 1987 PA 231 (MCL 247.911).
HB 4829 of 2001
(PA 267 of 2001)
House Bill Agriculture; products; recodification of manufactured milk statutes and rules; provide for. Creates new act & repeals (See bill). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4820'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0267'01
HB 4831 of 2001 House Bill Trade; vehicles; lemon law; expand to include motor homes. Amends sec. 1 of 1986 PA 87 (MCL 257.1401).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 4839 of 2001 House Bill Highways; name; renaming a certain portion of M-50; designate as the "Matt Urban Memorial Highway". Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 4847 of 2001 House Bill Occupations; physicians; medical director of health plan; require to be physician and include medical director's duties and utilization review in physician's scope of practice definition. Amends secs. 16221, 16226, 16263, 17001, 17011, 17501 & 17511 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16221 et seq.) & adds sec. 16105b.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services
HB 4848 of 2001
(PA 264 of 2002)
House Bill Law enforcement; other; provision regarding the appointment of unqualified undersheriff or deputy sheriff; repeal. Repeals sec. 486 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.486).
Last Action: assigned PA 0264'02
HB 4851 of 2001 House Bill Property tax; exemptions; property subject to tax under the tax reverted clean title program; exempt. Amends 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.1 - 211.157) by adding sec. 7gg.
HB 4852 of 2001 House Bill Taxation; other; specific tax for tax reverted property; create. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4853'01
HB 4853 of 2001 House Bill State; funds; authority to invest surplus funds in loans to municipalities to clear title; provide for. Amends sec. 4 of 1855 PA 105 (MCL 21.144) & adds sec. 2e.
HB 4854 of 2001 House Bill Occupations; construction; crane operators; require licensure. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 4855 of 2001
(PA 195 of 2001)
House Bill Children; custody; uniform child-custody jurisdiction and enforcement act; adopt. Creates new act & repeals secs. 651 - 673 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.651 - 600.673).
Last Action: assigned PA 0195'01
HB 4856 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; property tax credit; threshold for claiming the homestead property tax credit; index for inflation and index taxable value table for veterans for inflation. Amends secs. 506 & 520 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.506 & 206.520).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4860 of 2001
(PA 81 of 2002)
House Bill Natural resources; hunting; requirement for lottery to issue wild turkey hunting license; eliminate. Amends sec. 43524 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.43524).
Last Action: assigned PA 0081'02
HB 4861 of 2001 House Bill Campaign finance; fund-raising; do-not-call register; establish for professional fund-raisers. Amends title and secs. 5, 11 & 12 of 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.205 et seq.) & adds secs. 48 & 48a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Energy and Technology
HB 4862 of 2001 House Bill Businesses; charitable organizations; do-not-call register; establish for public safety solicitation. Amends sec. 2 of 1992 PA 298 (MCL 14.302) & adds secs. 13a & 13b
Last Action: referred to Committee on Energy and Technology
HB 4872 of 2001
(PA 244 of 2001)
House Bill Cities; other; Hertel-Stopczynski port authority act; revise references to cities with population over 1,000,000 to 750,000 and vote requirement for authority action. Amends sec. 5 of 1978 PA 639 (MCL 120.105).
Last Action: assigned PA 0244'01
HB 4876 of 2001 House Bill Education; financing; school bond loan fund program; revise eligibility requirements and procedures for school district borrowing. Amends title & secs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9b, 10, 10a, 11 & 12 of 1961 PA 108 (MCL 388.951 et seq.); adds secs. 1a, 9c & 11a; and repeals secs. 4b, 4c & 9a of 1961 PA 108 (MCL 388.954b et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4877'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4877 of 2001 House Bill School aid; categoricals; funding to assist certain school districts for infrastructure costs; provide for. Amends 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1601 - 388.1772) by adding sec. 27. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4876'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 4880 of 2001 House Bill Health; occupations; criminal background checks for home health services providers; provide for. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding art. 16.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement
HB 4885 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds for motor vehicle highway fund; provide notice of intent. Amends 1952 PA 175 (MCL 247.701 - 247.707) by adding sec. 1a.
HB 4886 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain downtown development authority bonds; require notice of intent. Amends 1975 PA 197 (MCL 125.1651 - 125.1681) by adding sec. 16a.
HB 4887 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds for road purposes; require notice of intent. Amends 1943 PA 143 (MCL 141.251 - 141.254) by adding sec. 1a.
HB 4888 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds for sidewalks and pavement; provide notice of intent. Amends 1931 PA 246 (MCL 41.271 - 41.290) by adding sec. 13b.
HB 4889 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain township local development financing bonds; provide notice of intent. Amends sec. 15 of 1954 PA 188 (MCL 41.735) & adds sec. 15d.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4890 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain drain code bonds; provide notice of intent. Amends 1956 PA 40 (MCL 280.1 - 280.630) by adding sec. 274a.
HB 4891 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds of charter counties; provide notice of intent. Amends 1966 PA 293 (MCL 45.501 - 45.521) by adding sec. 14a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4892 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds by counties; provide notice of intent. Amends 1851 PA 156 (MCL 46.1 - 46.32) by adding sec. 11d.
HB 4893 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain brownfield bonds; provide notice of intent. Amends 1996 PA 381 (MCL 125.2651 - 125.2672) by adding sec. 17a.
HB 4894 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds issued for blighted area rehabilitation; provide notice of intent. Amends 1945 PA 344 (MCL 125.71 - 125.84) by adding sec. 7d.
HB 4895 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain township public improvement bonds; provide notice of intent. Amends 1954 PA 188 (MCL 41.721 - 41.738) by adding sec. 15d.
HB 4896 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain home rule village bonds; provide notice of intent. Amends 1909 PA 278 (MCL 78.1 - 78.28) by adding sec. 24d.
HB 4897 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds for home rule cities; provide notice of intent. Amends 1909 PA 279 (MCL 117.1 - 117.38) by adding sec. 5j.
HB 4898 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain general village law bonds; provide notice of intent. Amends 1895 PA 3 (MCL 61.1 - 74.25) by adding sec. 35a to ch. VIII.
HB 4899 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain municipal sewage and water bonds; provide notice of intent. Amends 1955 PA 233 (MCL 124.281 - 124.294) by adding sec. 9a.
HB 4900 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds of a charter township; provide notice of intent. Amends 1947 PA 359 (MCL 42.1 - 42.34) by adding sec. 14b.
HB 4901 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain county improvement bonds; provide notice of intent. Amends 1939 PA 342 (MCL 46.171 - 46.188) by adding sec. 5d.
HB 4902 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds for neighborhood area improvements; require notice of intent. Amends 1949 PA 208 (MCL 125.941 - 125.952) by adding sec. 6d.
HB 4903 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain township public improvement bonds; provide notice of intent. Amends 1954 PA 188 (MCL 41.721 - 41.738) by adding sec. 15d.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4904 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds of fourth class cities; provide notice of intent. Amends 1895 PA 215 (MCL 81.1 - 113.20) by adding sec. 19a to ch. 30.
HB 4905 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain community college bonds; require notice of intent. Amends 1966 PA 331 (MCL 389.1 - 389.195) by adding sec. 122b.
HB 4906 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain school bonds; require notice of intent. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding secs. 629a & 1351c.
HB 4907 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds for the redevelopment of shopping areas; require notice of intent. Amends 1961 PA 120 (MCL 125.981 - 125.987) by adding sec. 5a.
HB 4908 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain bonds of public transportation authority; require notice of intent. Amends 1986 PA 196 (MCL 124.451 - 124.479) by adding sec. 23a.
HB 4909 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain tax increment finance authority bonds; require notice of intent. Amends 1980 PA 450 (MCL 125.1801 - 125.1830) by adding sec. 12b.
HB 4910 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain county building authority bonds; require notice of intent. Amends 1948 (1st Ex Sess) PA 31 (MCL 123.951 - 123.965) by adding sec. 11l.
HB 4911 of 2001 House Bill Local government; bonds; certain county public work bonds; provide notice of intent. Amends sec. 11 of 1957 PA 185 (MCL 123.741) & adds sec. 11a.
HB 4914 of 2001 House Bill Transportation; other; requirement for purchase of certain motor fuel for certain individuals; provide for. Amends title of 1990 PA 134 (MCL 445.1801 - 445.1808) & adds sec. 2a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 4915 of 2001 House Bill Elections; recounts; reimbursement of certain costs for recounting ballots; provide for under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 867 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.867).
HB 4917 of 2001 House Bill Education; financing; levy of additional local millage for school operating purpose; allow for certain school districts under certain circumstances. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1211f.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4924 of 2001
(PA 147 of 2001)
House Bill Insurance; other; definition of eligible person for automobile insurance; update references in insurance code to correspond with repeal of felonious driving statute. Amends sec. 2103 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.2103). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4596'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0147'01
HB 4925 of 2001
(PA 148 of 2001)
House Bill Vehicles; snowmobiles; order not to operate by secretary of state; update references in NREPA to correspond with repeal of felonious driving statute and revise certain time periods. Amends sec. 82147 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.82147). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4596'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0148'01
HB 4931 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; 1 free plate for all veterans; provide for. Amends secs. 803e, 803f, 803j, 803k, 803l, 803n & 803o of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.803e et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 4938 of 2001 House Bill Property tax; classification; wetland; establish as classification for property. Amends sec. 34c of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.34c).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment
HB 4971 of 2001 House Bill Use tax; exemptions; certain motor vehicle donations for fund-raising raffles; provide for. Amends sec. 4 of 1937 PA 94 (MCL 205.94).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4975 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; statute of limitations; statute of limitations for certain crimes; revise. Amends sec. 24, ch. VII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 767.24).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4977 of 2001 House Bill Higher education; other; identification information for use of public computers at college, university, and other libraries; require libraries obtain from users. Amends 1982 PA 455 (MCL 397.601 - 397.606) by adding sec. 5a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 4979 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; obscenity; disseminating sexually explicit matter to a minor; include allowing minor to examine and require businesses to display sexually explicit matter only in restricted areas. Amends secs. 1, 1a, 3, 5, 6 & 7 of 1978 PA 33 (MCL 722.671 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 4983 of 2001 House Bill Economic development; other; state convention facility development act; revise distribution of funds. Amends sec. 10 of 1985 PA 106 (MCL 207.630).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 4992 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; specialty plates for Michigan zoos; create. Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding secs. 217q & 217r.
Last Action: public hearing scheduled 11/12/02
HB 5005 of 2001
(PA 13 of 2002)
House Bill Transportation; other; motor fuels quality; revise standards and penalties. Amends secs. 3, 4a, 5, 6, 9i, 10a & 10b of 1984 PA 44 (MCL 290.643 et seq.).
Last Action: assigned PA 0013'02
HB 5010 of 2001 House Bill State; purchasing; certain local governmental units to be able to bid on certain state contracts; provide for. Amends 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1101 - 18.1594) by adding sec. 255.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5013 of 2001
(PA 176 of 2001)
House Bill Natural resources; other; programs for implementation of conservation practices; provide for. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding pt. 82.
Last Action: assigned PA 0176'01
HB 5014 of 2001 House Bill Health; occupations; definition of physical therapy and physical therapy assistant; clarify and provide for elimination of prescription requirement, create a fund, and provide for standards of practice and ethics. Amends secs. 16263, 16315, 16335, 17801, 17820 & 17822 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16263 et seq.) & adds secs. 17823 & 17824.
HB 5032 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; crimes against minors; soliciting child to commit an immoral act; increase penalty. Amends sec. 145a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.145a).
HB 5033 of 2001
(PA 47 of 2002)
House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of soliciting child to commit an immoral act; enact. Amends sec. 16g, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16g). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5449'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0047'02
HB 5045 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; other; penalties for intent to use a false certification; clarify. Amends sec. 903 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.903).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5046 of 2001 House Bill State; purchasing; project labor agreements in state or local contracts; prohibit. Amends 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1101 - 18.1594) by adding sec. 241c.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform
HB 5055 of 2001 House Bill Traffic control; parking; persons eligible to enforce parking restrictions in areas identified as access areas for designated parking by persons with disabilities; include volunteers who enforce other disabled parking provisions. Amends sec. 675d of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.675d).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5064 of 2001 House Bill Courts; district court; powers of district court magistrates; include power to accept certain pleas and impose sentence. Amends sec. 8512a of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.8512a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 5065 of 2001 House Bill Townships; public services; township liability associated with snow and ice; require notification of injury. Amends title & sec. 18b of 1931 PA 246 (MCL 41.288b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 5091 of 2001
(PA 184 of 2001)
House Bill State; buildings; display of national motto "In God We Trust" in public buildings; allow. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0184'01
HB 5098 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; credit; credit donations of vehicle to nonprofit organizations; provide for. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 270.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5100 of 2001 House Bill Taxation; generally; tax on the internet; prohibit. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 5106 of 2001 House Bill Trade; tobacco; sale of cigarettes in packs of fewer than 20; prohibit. Amends sec. 2a of 1915 PA 31 (MCL 722.642a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 5108 of 2001
(PA 100 of 2002)
House Bill Retirement; generally; public pension protection act; enact. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5109'01 HB 5110'01 HB 5111'01 HB 5112'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0100'02
HB 5109 of 2001
(PA 99 of 2002)
House Bill Retirement; state employees; public pension protection; provide for. Amends title & secs. 31, 40 & 69 of 1943 PA 240 (MCL 38.31 et seq.) & adds sec. 68a. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01 HB 5732'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0099'02
HB 5110 of 2001
(PA 94 of 2002)
House Bill Retirement; public school employees; public pension protection and health advance funding; provide for. Amends secs. 4, 34, 36, 41, 43a, 46, 85 & 108 of 1980 PA 300 (MCL 38.1304 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0094'02
HB 5111 of 2001
(PA 98 of 2002)
House Bill Retirement; fire and police; public pension protection; provide for. Amends secs. 6 & 9 of 1937 PA 345 (MCL 38.556 & 38.559). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0098'02
HB 5113 of 2001
(PA 96 of 2002)
House Bill Retirement; state police; public pension protection; provide for. Amends sec. 43 of 1986 PA 182 (MCL 38.1643). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0096'02
HB 5114 of 2001
(PA 97 of 2002)
House Bill Retirement; legislative; public pension protection; provide for. Amends title & secs. 8a, 9, 13a, 14, 20, 22a, 22c, 23, 23d, 26, 30, 57, 59a, 61, 62, 63 & 80 of 1957 PA 261 (MCL 38.1008a et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0097'02
HB 5120 of 2001 House Bill Traffic control; driver license; reduction of points on driving record for enrollment in a certain driver improvement course; provide for. Amends secs. 320a, 727c & 743 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.320a et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5122 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; specialty plate for breast cancer awareness; provide for. Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding secs. 217p & 217q.
HB 5125 of 2001
(PA 101 of 2002)
House Bill Crimes; larceny; manufacture, distribution, or possession of a theft detection shielding device or of a tool designed to deactivate or remove a theft detection device; prohibit and provide penalties. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 360a.
Last Action: assigned PA 0101'02
HB 5129 of 2001 House Bill Records; birth; adoptee's birth certificate; authorize inclusion of names of both birth and adoptive parents under certain circumstances. Amends secs. 67 & 68, ch. X of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 710.67 & 710.68).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5136 of 2001
(PA 209 of 2002)
House Bill Agriculture; plants; destruction of certain crops grown for certain purposes; provide civil damages. Amends 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.101 - 600.9948) by adding sec. 2973.
Last Action: assigned PA 0209'02
HB 5139 of 2001
(PA 39 of 2002)
House Bill Education; school districts; certain access to high school campus and student directory information for official armed forces recruiting representatives; require. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1139.
Last Action: assigned PA 0039'02
HB 5141 of 2001 House Bill Education; other; local policy prohibiting school personnel from recommending psychotropic drugs for child; require. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1180.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education
HB 5154 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; penalties; penalty for harassing or impeding a guide dog; increase. Amends sec. 50a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.50a).
HB 5155 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of price gouging during state of emergency or disaster; enact. Amends sec. 16z, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16z).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5158 of 2001 House Bill Health; other; ethical, moral, or religious objection to participating in certain health care services; allow by health care providers and health facilities. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy
HB 5164 of 2001 House Bill Family law; marriage and divorce; prerequisites for issuance of a marriage license; require premarriage program or longer waiting period. Amends title and secs. 2, 3 & 3a of 1887 PA 128 (MCL 551.102 et seq.) & adds secs. 2a & 2b.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 5166 of 2001 House Bill Family law; marriage and divorce; divorce; require an educational predivorce program. Amends 1846 RS 84 (MCL 552.1 - 552.45) by adding secs. 5 & 5a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 5168 of 2001 House Bill Family law; marriage and divorce; procedure and grounds for divorce; modify. Amends secs. 6, 7, 13 & 19 of 1846 RS 84 (MCL 552.6 et seq.). & adds secs. 5, 5a & 8.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 5184 of 2001 House Bill Environmental protection; air pollution; permit revocation for recurrent or repeat pattern of air quality standard violations; provide for. Amends sec. 5510 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.5510).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation
HB 5186 of 2001
(PA 22 of 2002)
House Bill Counties; employees and officers; requirement for medical examiner to live in county of appointment; eliminate, and repeal acts and parts of acts. Amends sec. 1 of 1953 PA 181 (MCL 52.201) & repeals sec. 1b of 1953 PA 181 (MCL 52.201b).
Last Action: assigned PA 0022'02
HB 5187 of 2001 House Bill Education; building use; requirement for all public schools to adhere to local zoning ordinances; provide for. Amends sec. 1263 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1263).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment
HB 5189 of 2001
(PA 247 of 2001)
House Bill State; interstate compacts and agreements; emergency management assistance compact; create. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: SB 0715'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0247'01
HB 5190 of 2001 House Bill Worker's compensation; disabilities; occupational cancer; provide presumption for certain firefighters regarding. Amends sec. 405 of 1969 PA 317 (MCL 418.405).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety
HB 5191 of 2001 House Bill Traffic control; driver license; revocation of motor vehicle license for conviction of making a bomb threat to any educational institution; provide for. Amends secs. 303 & 732 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.303 & 257.732).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5192 of 2001 House Bill Traffic control; driver license; revocation or denial for student less than 18 years of age making false bomb threat against school; require school to notify secretary of state upon suspension or expulsion from school. Amends sec. 1311a of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1311a). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5191'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5206 of 2001 House Bill Children; support; individuals arrested for failure to pay child support; permit only cash deposit. Amends secs. 31 & 32 of 1982 PA 295 (MCL 552.631 & 552.632).
HB 5208 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; special plates for members of congress or members of the state legislature; establish expiration date to be last day of legislator's term in office. Amends secs. 226, 801b, 802 & 803g of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.226 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5211 of 2001
(PA 267 of 2002)
House Bill Property tax; personal property; electronic filing of personal property statement; allow. Amends sec. 19 of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.19) & repeals secs. 18 & 20 of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.18 & 211.20).
Last Action: assigned PA 0267'02
HB 5212 of 2001 House Bill Use tax; exemptions; "good faith" acceptance of exemption certification; create same as sales tax. Amends sec. 14 of 1937 PA 94 (MCL 205.104).
HB 5213 of 2001 House Bill Property tax; payment and collection; procedure for removing unpaid and uncollectible delinquent personal property taxes from tax rolls; revise. Amends sec. 56a of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.56a).
HB 5217 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; income; withholding for certain individuals; eliminate in certain circumstance. Amends sec. 351 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.351) & adds sec. 351a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5239 of 2001 House Bill Occupations; business licensing and regulation; appliance service dealers; define, provide for certain disclosures, and provide for remedies. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform
HB 5240 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; electronic surveillance; wiretapping; allow for use of interception devices by law enforcement officers under certain circumstances. Creates & repeals new act secs. 539a - 539i of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.539a et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5241 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sex offender registration; registered individuals moving within the state; require notification to department of venue. Amends sec. 5 of 1994 PA 295 (MCL 28.725).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5249 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; other; destroying agricultural property to intimidate or harass another person; prohibit. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 395.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management
HB 5253 of 2001 House Bill Aeronautics; airport authority; creation of airport authorities in certain metropolitan areas; require. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 5254 of 2001 House Bill Sales tax; exemptions; construction of a hospice residence and certain fund-raising purchases; exempt from tax. Amends secs. 4q & 4w of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.54q & 205.54w).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5255 of 2001
(PA 219 of 2001)
House Bill Health facilities; hospitals; availability of hospice and palliative care; require to notify patient or patient's representative upon request. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 21534.
Last Action: assigned PA 0219'01
HB 5256 of 2001 House Bill Health facilities; nursing homes; availability of hospice care; require nursing homes to notify certain persons. Amends sec. 21766 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.21766).
HB 5257 of 2001 House Bill Occupations; physicians; reference in Michigan dignified death act to "life expectancy of less than 6 months"; eliminate and require physicians to provide management of pain and symptoms options for reduced life expectancy patients. Amends secs. 5656, 5657, 5658, 5659 & 5660 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.5656 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5258'01
HB 5258 of 2001
(PA 239 of 2001)
House Bill Occupations; physicians; Michigan dignified death act; revise definition of terminal illness. Amends secs. 5652, 5653, 5654 & 5655 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.5652 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0781'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0239'01
HB 5259 of 2001
(PA 240 of 2001)
House Bill Health facilities; patients; patient's bill of rights; include adequate and appropriate pain and symptom management. Amends sec. 20201 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.20201).
Last Action: assigned PA 0240'01
HB 5260 of 2001
(PA 231 of 2001)
House Bill Health; pharmaceuticals; official prescription program; eliminate and establish electronic reporting system for the monitoring and prescribing of schedule 2 controlled substances. Amends sec. 7333 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.7333); adds sec. 7333a & repeals secs. 7334 & 17766b of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.7334 & 333.17766b). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5261'01 HB 5262'01 SB 0827'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0231'01
HB 5261 of 2001
(PA 232 of 2001)
House Bill Health; pharmaceuticals; pain management education and controlled substances electronic monitoring and antidiversion fund; establish and abolish the official prescription form program fund. Amends sec. 16315 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16315). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5260'01 HB 5262'01 SB 0827'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0232'01
HB 5262 of 2001
(PA 233 of 2001)
House Bill Health; pharmaceuticals; controlled substances definitions; revise to conform with repeal of official prescription program. Amends secs. 7104, 7107 & 7109 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.7104 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5260'01 HB 5261'01 SB 0827'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0233'01
HB 5263 of 2001
(PA 234 of 2001)
House Bill Health; other; references to "intractable" pain in statute creating advisory committee on pain and symptom management; eliminate. Amends sec. 16204a of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16204a).
Last Action: assigned PA 0234'01
HB 5264 of 2001 House Bill Insurance; health; references to "intractable" pain; eliminate. Amends sec. 2212a of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.2212a).
HB 5265 of 2001 House Bill Insurance; health; references to "intractable" pain; eliminate. Amends sec. 402a of 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1402a).
HB 5266 of 2001 House Bill State; identification cards; designation for a do-not-resuscitate order, durable power of attorney, or patient advocate; provide option. Amends sec. 2 of 1972 PA 222 (MCL 28.292).
HB 5273 of 2001
(PA 196 of 2001)
House Bill Civil procedure; personal protection orders; nonrelationship stalking cases; require judge to record reason for issuing or refusing to issue a personal protection order. Amends sec. 2950a of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.2950a).
Last Action: assigned PA 0196'01
HB 5295 of 2001
(PA 129 of 2002)
House Bill Criminal procedure; jurisdiction; jurisdiction for prosecution of criminal offense; clarify. Amends 1927 PA 175 (MCL 760.1 - 777.69) by adding sec. 2 to ch. II.
Last Action: assigned PA 0129'02
HB 5296 of 2001
(PA 629 of 2002)
House Bill Crimes; obscenity; crime of child pornography; revise. Amends sec. 145c of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.145c).
Last Action: assigned PA 0629'02
HB 5309 of 2001 House Bill Labor; public service employment; public employment relations act; include certain firefighters as supervisors. Amends sec. 13 of 1947 PA 336 (MCL 423.213).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 5322 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; probation; individual convicted of child sexual assault; prohibit from residing within 1 mile of a school or entering upon school property as condition of probation, and provide minimum term of probation. Amends 1927 PA 175 (MCL 760.1 - 777.69) by adding sec. 2b to ch. XI. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5323'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5323 of 2001 House Bill Corrections; parole; prisoner convicted of child sexual assault; prohibit from residing within 1 mile of school or entering upon school property as condition of parole, and specify minimum term of parole of certain crimes. Amends sec. 42 of 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.242) & adds sec. 36b. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5322'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5329 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; property tax credit; property tax credit for certain veterans and other individuals with service related disabilities; index for inflation. Amends sec. 506 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.506).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5341 of 2001
(PA 185 of 2001)
House Bill Legislature; other; arrest powers for house and senate sergeants; provide for. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5342'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0185'01
HB 5342 of 2001
(PA 186 of 2001)
House Bill Law enforcement; training; certain commissioned sergeants at arms; exempt from certain certification requirements of commission on law enforcement standards act. Amends sec. 2 of 1965 PA 203 (MCL 28.602). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5341'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0186'01
HB 5343 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; penalties; penalty for assaulting or battering school employee; increase, and prohibit threatening school employee. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 81c.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5344 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; malicious destruction; mutilation of a flag; specify burning of a flag as a misdemeanor. Amends sec. 246 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.246).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5345 of 2001 House Bill Children; support; support beyond age 18; require for length of time payer unable to pay due to incarceration. Amends sec. 5b of 1982 PA 295 (MCL 552.605b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services
HB 5346 of 2001 House Bill Children; support; child support for a child who has mental health difficulties; require until child reaches age 26. Amends sec. 5b of 1982 PA 295 (MCL 552.605b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services
HB 5369 of 2001 House Bill Counties; funds; grants to nonprofit corporations for economic development initiatives; allow in certain cases. Amends sec. 11 of 1851 PA 156 (MCL 46.11).
HB 5370 of 2001 House Bill Counties; funds; contributions of county general fund money to establish a revolving loan fund; allow under certain circumstances. Amends title & sec. 2 of 1913 PA 380 (MCL 123.872).
HB 5378 of 2001 House Bill Occupations; other; registration of contact lens providers and certain prescription requirements for contact lenses; require. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding secs. 18605 & 18607. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5376'01 HB 5377'01 HB 5379'01
HB 5380 of 2001
(PA 496 of 2002)
House Bill Environmental protection; solid waste; scrap tire regulations; provide general amendments. Amends secs. 16901, 16902, 16903, 16904a, 16905, 16906, 16908 & 16909 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.16901 et seq.); adds secs. 16903b & 16903c & repeals sec. 16902a of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.16902a). TIE BAR WITH: SB 1324'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0496'02
HB 5384 of 2001 House Bill Children; abuse or neglect; child abuse resulting in death of child; provide for increased penalty. Amends sec. 136b of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.136b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5385 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of child abuse; revise to reflect increased penalty if violation results in death of the child. Amends sec. 16g, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16g). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5384'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5387 of 2001 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; specialty plate for "ex-POWs"; allow for current spouse to obtain under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 803e of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.803e).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5434 of 2001
(PA 80 of 2002)
House Bill Trade; other; grain dealers act; provide general amendments. Amends title & secs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 of 1939 PA 141 (MCL 285.62 et seq.); adds secs. 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, & 28 & repeals secs. 6a, 6b, 7a, 9a, 11a & 22a of 1939 PA
Last Action: assigned PA 0080'02
HB 5443 of 2001
(PA 271 of 2002)
House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of assaulting, beating, wounding, obstructing, or endangering officers other than peace officers; provide for. Amends secs. 16x & 16z, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16x & 777.16z). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5442'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0271'02
HB 5445 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; other; influencing a person to provide false or misleading testimony; prohibit and provide penalties. Amends sec. 122 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.122).
HB 5453 of 2001 House Bill Income tax; other; threshold for estimated tax payments; revise. Amends sec. 301 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.301).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5454 of 2001
(PA 400 of 2002)
House Bill Torts; liability; governmental liability for negligence; add volunteers to certain provisions. Amends title & secs. 8 & 9 of 1964 PA 170 (MCL 691.1408 & 691.1409).
Last Action: assigned PA 0400'02
HB 5480 of 2001
(PA 207 of 2002)
House Bill Food; other; protection of halal food; provide penalties for consumer fraud. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 297f.
Last Action: assigned PA 0207'02
HB 5490 of 2001 House Bill Retirement; public school employees; expansion of purchase of maternity, paternity, or child rearing service credits; provide for and revise calculation. Amends sec. 75 of 1980 PA 300 (MCL 38.1375).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement
HB 5495 of 2001
(PA 131 of 2002)
House Bill Crimes; other; certain acts relating to terrorism; prohibit and provide penalties. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding ch. LXXXIII-A. TIE BAR WITH: SB 0930'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0131'02
HB 5496 of 2001
(PA 132 of 2002)
House Bill State; planning; Michigan emergency management act; revise powers and duties. Amends secs. 3, 7, 7a, 8, 9, 10 & 11 of 1976 PA 390 (MCL 30.403 et seq.); adds sec. 21 & repeals sec. 15 of 1976 PA 390 (MCL 30.415).
Last Action: assigned PA 0132'02
HB 5497 of 2001 House Bill Traffic control; driver license; issuance of a driver license to certain persons not lawfully in the United States; prohibit. Amends secs. 51a, 209, 303 & 314 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.51a et seq.).
HB 5498 of 2001 House Bill State; identification cards; issuance of a state identification card to certain illegal aliens; prohibit. Amends secs. 1, 1a & 2 of 1972 PA 222 (MCL 28.291 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5499 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of threat or false report of terrorism; enact. Amends sec. 16t, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16t).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5500 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing; restitution to all governmental entities for terrorist activities; require. Amends sec. 1f, ch. IX of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 769.1f).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5501 of 2001
(PA 133 of 2002)
House Bill Military affairs; other; procedure for granting immunity to certain military personnel ordered to respond to acts or threats of terrorism, procedure for apprehending individuals, access restrictions to real property used for military purposes, and plans for defense of state; authorize and clarify. Amends secs. 105, 179 & 310 of 1967 PA 150 (MCL 32.505 et seq.) & adds sec. 372a.
Last Action: assigned PA 0133'02
HB 5502 of 2001 House Bill Military affairs; other; military leaves and reemployment protection for members of the military who have been called to active service; clarify. Amends sec. 3 of 1955 PA 133 (MCL 32.273).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs
HB 5503 of 2001 House Bill Aeronautics; other; criminal background checks on applicants for flight schools; require. Amends sec. 85 of 1945 PA 327 (MCL 259.85) & adds sec. 85a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5504 of 2001
(PA 259 of 2002)
House Bill Traffic control; driver license; criminal background checks on applicants for commercial driver license; require. Amends secs. 307, 312f, 319b & 732 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.307 et seq.).
Last Action: assigned PA 0259'02
HB 5505 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; grand jury; certain grand jury information regarding terrorism-related offenses; clarify information sharing procedures. Amends sec. 19f, ch. VII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 767.19f).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5506 of 2001
(PA 134 of 2002)
House Bill Crimes; other; crime of using, delivering, or possessing an imitation explosive; include possession as violation. Amends sec. 204a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.204a).
Last Action: assigned PA 0134'02
HB 5507 of 2001
(PA 135 of 2002)
House Bill Crimes; other; penalties for knowingly placing a harmful substance in food or water supply; increase. Amends sec. 436 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.436).
Last Action: assigned PA 0135'02
HB 5508 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; organized; reference to crime of terrorism; include in racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations (RICO) act. Amends sec. 159g of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.159g).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5509 of 2001
(PA 136 of 2002)
House Bill Crimes; money laundering; terrorism; include in definition of "specified criminal offense". Amends sec. 411j of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.411j). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0930'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0136'02
HB 5510 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; other; penalties for crime of targeting a public building with intent to terrorize or threaten; provide for. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 411t.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5511 of 2001
(PA 140 of 2002)
House Bill Crimes; definitions; definition of vulnerable target in explosives chapter of penal code; expand to include certain other structures and facilities. Amends sec. 212a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.212a). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0940'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0140'02
HB 5512 of 2001
(PA 141 of 2002)
House Bill Criminal procedure; other; compensation to victims and payment of expenses for government response for terrorism-related offenses; provide for. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 543x. TIE BAR WITH: SB 0930'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0141'02
HB 5513 of 2001
(PA 142 of 2002)
House Bill Criminal procedure; forfeiture; seizure and forfeiture of property used in connection with a terrorism-related offense; provide for. Amends secs. 4701 & 4702 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.4701 & 600.4702).
Last Action: assigned PA 0142'02
HB 5514 of 2001 House Bill Crimes; other; use of the internet or other electronic or telecommunication system or device to disrupt critical infrastructures or governmental operations; provide penalties. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 411t.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5515 of 2001 House Bill Transportation; carriers; penalties for the transportation of hazardous materials without a hazardous materials endorsement; increase. Amends sec. 7c of 1963 PA 181 (MCL 480.17c).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5516 of 2001
(PA 183 of 2002)
House Bill Financial institutions; banks; financial institution to seize funds of terrorist organizations; require. Amends 1999 PA 276 (MCL 487.11101 - 487.15105) by adding sec. 4406.
Last Action: assigned PA 0183'02
HB 5517 of 2001
(PA 184 of 2002)
House Bill Financial institutions; credit unions; financial institution to seize funds of terrorist organizations; require. Amends 1925 PA 285 (MCL 490.1 - 490.31) by adding sec. 16c.
Last Action: assigned PA 0184'02
HB 5518 of 2001
(PA 185 of 2002)
House Bill Financial institutions; savings and loan associations; financial institution to seize funds of terrorist organizations; require. Amends 1980 PA 307 (MCL 491.102 - 491.1202) by adding sec. 1135.
Last Action: assigned PA 0185'02
HB 5519 of 2001 House Bill Financial institutions; savings banks; financial institution to seize funds of terrorist organizations; require. Amends 1996 PA 354 (MCL 487.3101 - 487.3804) by adding sec. 514.
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services
HB 5520 of 2001
(PA 143 of 2002)
House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; certain crimes involving terrorism; include in sentencing guidelines. Amends sec. 22, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.22 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0930'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0143'02
HB 5546 of 2001 House Bill Housing; landlord and tenants; increasing rent charged or charging more to an individual with a service dog; prohibit. Amends sec. 502 of 1976 PA 220 (MCL 37.1502).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 5556 of 2001
(PA 434 of 2002)
House Bill Natural resources; fishing; miles of designated trout streams; authorize department to increase and allow children to take 1 fish. Amends sec. 48701 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.48701).
Last Action: assigned PA 0434'02
HB 5558 of 2001 House Bill Property tax; equalization; appeal process of county factors by a local tax collecting unit to the tax tribunal; revise. Amends sec. 34 of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.34).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5559 of 2001 House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; approval of homestead exemption; provide authority to the assessor. Amends sec. 7cc of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7cc).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5560 of 2001 House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; homestead exemption affidavit and rescission form; require local unit of government to provide with certificate of occupancy. Amends sec. 7cc of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7cc).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5561 of 2001 House Bill Environmental protection; solid waste; importing solid waste from other counties; prohibit in certain cases. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 11513a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment
HJR W of 2002 House Joint Resolution Constitutional amendments; state; exemptions for contributions to a place of religious worship; eliminate prohibition. Amends sec. 4, art. I of the state constitution.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HJR Z of 2002 House Joint Resolution Elections; other; election days for county and township offices; change. Amends sec. 5, art. II of the state constitution.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HJR HH of 2002 House Joint Resolution Legislature; legislators; constitutional amendment to provide a pay cut requirement for certain state officers when budget stabilization fund falls below $250,000,000.00; establish. Amends sec. 12, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02
HR 0306 of 2002 House Resolution A resolution commemorating March 2002 as Ethnic and Cultural Heritage Month in Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0338 of 2002 House Resolution A resolution commemorating the 200th anniversary of the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York.
Last Action: adopted
HB 5573 of 2002 House Bill Environmental protection; solid waste; importing solid waste from Canada and other states; provide for restrictions. Amends sec. 11546 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.11546) & adds sec. 11514a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment
HB 5574 of 2002 House Bill Labor; collective bargaining; annual disclosure of certain information by certain labor unions; require. Amends secs. 10 & 16 of 1947 PA 336 (MCL 423.210 & 423.216).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety
HB 5582 of 2002 House Bill Vehicles; snowmobiles; operation of snowmobile on shoulder of county roads; allow under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 82119 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.82119).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5583 of 2002
(PA 695 of 2002)
House Bill Education; students; before- and after-school programs operated by public schools; allow without state licensure if certain requirements are met. Amends sec. 1285a of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1285a). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5584'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0695'02
HB 5599 of 2002 House Bill Environmental protection; solid waste; inspection of solid waste imported in from Canada; require. Amends sec. 11526 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.11526) & adds secs. 11526a & 11526b. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5598'02
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment
HB 5600 of 2002 House Bill Crimes; other; recklessly endangering the safety of an emergency response worker; prohibit and provide a penalty. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 479c.
HB 5601 of 2002
(PA 272 of 2002)
House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of obstructing firefighter; eliminate. Amends sec. 16n, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16n). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5442'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0272'02
HB 5602 of 2002 House Bill Environmental protection; solid waste; requirement for hermetically sealed solid waste received from Canada; provide for. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 11528a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment
HB 5610 of 2002 House Bill Elections; voting equipment; precinct tabulators with overvote/undervote notification capability; require use and prohibit disabling. Amends sec. 797 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.797).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5621 of 2002 House Bill Income tax; other; deduction of amounts paid to taxpayer as a result of the phaseout of certain motor vehicle brands; provide for. Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5622 of 2002 House Bill Criminal procedure; evidence; written notification of disposal of DNA sample; require. Amends sec. 6 of 1990 PA 250 (MCL 28.176).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5635 of 2002 House Bill Juveniles; criminal procedure; dispositional options for minors who violate felony laws; include sentencing to jail. Amends sec. 18, ch. XIIA of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 712A.18).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 5639 of 2002 House Bill Mental health; community mental health; location of a mental health facility; prohibit within a certain distance from a school. Amends 1974 PA 258 (MCL 330.1001 - 330.2106) by adding sec. 247.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform
HB 5641 of 2002 House Bill Financial institutions; other; regulation of deferred deposit loan transactions; provide for. Creates new act.
Last Action: DEFEATED : \
HB 5642 of 2002
(PA 516 of 2002)
House Bill Appropriations; agriculture; department of agriculture; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HB 5643 of 2002
(PA 517 of 2002)
House Bill Appropriations; other; department of career development and Michigan strategic fund; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HB 5644 of 2002
(PA 527 of 2002)
House Bill Appropriations; consumer and industry services; department of consumer and industry services and Michigan jobs commission; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HB 5645 of 2002
(PA 529 of 2002)
House Bill Appropriations; family independence agency; family independence agency; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5646 of 2002
(PA 528 of 2002)
House Bill Appropriations; general; general government; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5248'01
Last Action: line item(s) enacted notwithstanding the objections of the Governor
HB 5647 of 2002
(PA 523 of 2002)
House Bill Appropriations; other; department of history, arts, and libraries; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: assigned PA 0523'02
HB 5648 of 2002
(PA 515 of 2002)
House Bill Appropriations; other; judiciary budget; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5649 of 2002
(PA 514 of 2002)
House Bill Appropriations; military affairs; department of military affairs; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: assigned PA 0514'02
HB 5650 of 2002
(PA 526 of 2002)
House Bill Appropriations; state police; department of state police; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HB 5651 of 2002
(PA 561 of 2002)
House Bill Appropriations; transportation; state transportation department; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: line item(s) referred to committee on Appropriations
HB 5652 of 2002 House Bill Appropriations; capital outlay; 2002-2003 fiscal year; provide for.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5653 of 2002 House Bill Appropriations; community colleges; community and junior colleges; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5654 of 2002 House Bill Appropriations; community health; department of community health; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5655 of 2002 House Bill Appropriations; corrections; department of corrections; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5656 of 2002 House Bill Appropriations; education; department of education; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5657 of 2002 House Bill Appropriations; environmental quality; department of environmental quality; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5658 of 2002 House Bill Appropriations; higher education; higher education; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5659 of 2002 House Bill Appropriations; natural resources; department of natural resources; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5660 of 2002 House Bill Appropriations; school aid; school aid; provide for fiscal year 2002-2003. Amends secs. 11, 19, 20, 22a, 22b, 24, 26a, 31a, 31d, 32d, 37, 38, 39, 41, 51a, 51c, 56, 57, 61a, 62, 67, 68, 74, 81, 94, 94a, 96, 98, 99, 105, 107, 108, 147 & 169a of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1611 et seq.); adds secs. 11j, 39a 63, 95, 97, 164c & 166d of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1622c et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5682 of 2002 House Bill Weapons; licensing; registration of certain weapons; provide for under certain circumstances. Amends secs. 9 & 14 of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.429 & 28.434).
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 5683 of 2002 House Bill Weapons; concealed; retired law enforcement officer; exempt from education requirement and allow part-time peace officers and private detectives to carry concealed pistols on certain premises. Amends secs. 5j, 5l & 5o of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425j et seq.).
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 5741 of 2002 House Bill Liens; construction; lien and notice provisions for homeowner's construction lien fund; revise. Amends title & secs. 104, 107, 114, 201, 202 & 203 of 1980 PA 497 (MCL 570.1104 et seq.) & adds sec. 114a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform
HB 5743 of 2002
(PA 624 of 2002)
House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; procedures for appealing the denial of homestead exemption; revise. Amends secs. 7cc & 53b of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7cc & 211.53b).
Last Action: assigned PA 0624'02
HB 5763 of 2002
(PA 192 of 2002)
House Bill Employment security; benefits; unemployment benefits; increase, revise calculation and payment, and include Indian tribes. Amends secs. 3, 4, 4a, 10, 19, 20, 27, 29, 32, 44, 48, 54 & 54c of 1936 (Ex Sess) PA 1 (MCL 421.3 et seq.); adds secs. 5b, 13l & 32b; & repeals sec. 3b of 1936 (Ex Sess) PA 1 (MCL 421.3b).
Last Action: assigned PA 0192'02
HB 5764 of 2002 House Bill Income tax; other; worker financial security account act; create. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5765'02
HB 5765 of 2002 House Bill Income tax; deductions; contributions to and withdrawals from worker financial security account; provide for deduction and addition of nonqualified withdrawals. Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5764'02
Last Action: substitute (H-1) adopted
HB 5766 of 2002 House Bill Taxation; other; interest and penalties on delinquent income tax payments by unemployed workers; waive if certain conditions are met. Amends sec. 24 of 1941 PA 122 (MCL 205.24).
HB 5767 of 2002 House Bill Income tax; deductions; unemployed parents paying college tuition for their children; establish deduction. Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
HB 5768 of 2002 House Bill Education; teachers; accelerated teacher certification in certain urban areas, with priority for displaced workers; create. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1531d.
Last Action: placed on third reading
HB 5772 of 2002 House Bill Property tax; exemptions; exemption for nonprofit senior citizen housing; revise. Amends sec. 7d of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7d).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5788 of 2002 House Bill Local government; public services; certain city managed water and sewer systems; provide for regionalization of. Creates new act.
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HB 5804 of 2002
(PA 485 of 2002)
House Bill Trade; vehicles; flood vehicle title branding; provide for and revise special plate requirements for manufacturer test vehicles. Amends secs. 222 & 244 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.222 & 257.244) & adds sec. 17c.
Last Action: assigned PA 0485'02
HB 5828 of 2002 House Bill Vehicles; equipment; noise limitations provisions; include certain vehicle music systems. Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding sec. 707g.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5829 of 2002
(PA 731 of 2002)
House Bill Labor; fair employment practices; whistleblower protection for health care workers; expand. Amends sec. 20180 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.20180).
Last Action: assigned PA 0731'02
HB 5842 of 2002
(PA 338 of 2002)
House Bill Local government; bonds; bonding authority for public buildings and bridges; modify. Amends sec. 1 of 1911 PA 28 (MCL 141.71).
Last Action: assigned PA 0338'02
HB 5884 of 2002 House Bill Communications; broadcasting; prohibition of local live broadcasting of certain professional football games when a certain percentage of tickets are left unsold; eliminate. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 5896 of 2002
(PA 575 of 2002)
House Bill Economic development; tax increment financing; certified technology parks; modify requirements. Amends sec. 12a of 1986 PA 281 (MCL 125.2162a).
Last Action: assigned PA 0575'02
HB 5901 of 2002 House Bill Labor; job development; codification of workforce development programs; provide for. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5935 of 2002 House Bill Human services; services or financial assistance; use of federal poverty guidelines for eligibility of certain programs; clarify. Amends sec. 7u of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7u).
Last Action: amendment(s) offered
HB 5936 of 2002 House Bill Human services; services or financial assistance; adult unable to live independently; consider only that adult's income and assets for determining eligibility for FIA administered benefits. Amends secs. 6, 41, 57 & 57a of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.6 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services
HB 5945 of 2002 House Bill State agencies (proposed); children's budget and cabinet; create. Amends sec. 367 of 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1367) & adds sec. 365.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services
HB 5947 of 2002
(PA 641 of 2002)
House Bill Property tax; payment and collection; township treasurer required business hours; revise. Amends sec. 44 of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.44).
Last Action: assigned PA 0641'02
HB 5948 of 2002 House Bill Highways; name; certain portions of US-127; designate as "Annie Oakley Memorial Pike". Amends sec. 100 of 2001 PA 142 (MCL 250.1100) & adds sec. 82.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5949 of 2002 House Bill Crimes; other; sale or rental of certain video games to minors; prohibit. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 143a.
Last Action: transmitted
HB 5950 of 2002 House Bill Human services; medical services; home- and community-based services program; revise eligibility. Amends sec. 109c of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.109c).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy
HB 5951 of 2002 House Bill Insurance; no-fault; liability, uninsured, and underinsured coverages; provide explanation of. Amends 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.100 - 500.8302) by adding sec. 3009a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services
HB 5954 of 2002 House Bill Businesses; business corporations; procedure for removal of directors and vote required for certain amendments to articles of incorporation; revise. Amends secs. 511 & 611 of 1972 PA 284 (MCL 450.1511 & 450.1611).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 5967 of 2002 House Bill Children; protection; child advocate office; establish and eliminate the children's ombudsman. Amends title & secs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 of 1994 PA 204 (MCL 722.921 et seq.) & repeals secs. 13, 14 & 15 of 1994 PA 204 (MCL 722.933 et seq.).
HB 5971 of 2002
(PA 685 of 2002)
House Bill Health; abortion; prepayment for abortion or for service performed in anticipation of the abortion; prohibit physicians and health facilities from accepting. Amends secs. 16299, 17014 & 17015 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16299 et seq.).
Last Action: assigned PA 0685'02
HB 5972 of 2002 House Bill Civil procedure; statute of limitations; personal injuries suffered as a result of an abortion; eliminate period of limitations. Amends sec. 5805 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.5805).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 5973 of 2002 House Bill Civil procedure; civil actions; punitive and exemplary damage awards for injuries caused by an abortion; allow. Amends 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.101 to 600.9948) by adding sec. 2973.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 5980 of 2002 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; specialty plates for eagle scouts; create. Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding secs. 217k & 217l.
Last Action: public hearing scheduled 11/12/02
HB 5991 of 2002
(PA 480 of 2002)
House Bill Commercial code; secured transactions; reference to special tools lien act; provide for in the uniform commercial code. Amends sec. 9201 of 1962 PA 174 (MCL 440.9201). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5993'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0480'02
HB 5994 of 2002
(PA 687 of 2002)
House Bill Children; protection; "born alive infant protection act"; enact. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0687'02
HB 5995 of 2002
(PA 688 of 2002)
House Bill Children; adoption; newborn as described in the "born alive infant protection act"; require treatment of newborn in compliance with the "safe delivery of newborns law". Amends sec. 3, ch. XII of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 712.3). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5994'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0688'02
HB 5996 of 2002
(PA 689 of 2002)
House Bill Crimes; other; mother of newborn surrendered under the born alive infant protection act; provide exemption from certain prosecutions. Amends sec. 135 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.135). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5994'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0689'02
HB 5997 of 2002
(PA 690 of 2002)
House Bill Children; protection; exemption from child abuse and neglect reporting provisions; add newborn whose birth is described in the born alive infant protection act. Amends sec. 8 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.628). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5994'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0690'02
HB 5998 of 2002
(PA 691 of 2002)
House Bill Records; birth; procedures for the reporting of live births and the registration for a birth certificate listing unknown parentage; clarify, amend provisions concerning the issuance of certain vital records, and require the administration of certain testing of newborn infants. Amends secs. 2822, 2843, 2882 & 5431 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.2822 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5994'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0691'02
HB 6039 of 2002 House Bill Public utilities; gas utilities; slamming and cramming penalties; provide for. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Energy and Technology
HB 6041 of 2002
(PA 583 of 2002)
House Bill Criminal procedure; bail; extradition waiver; require as a condition of bail. Amends 1927 PA 175 (MCL 760.1 - 777.69) by adding sec. 6d to ch. V. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6042'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0583'02
HB 6042 of 2002
(PA 584 of 2002)
House Bill Criminal procedure; extradition; release on bond of certain individuals subject to the uniform extradition act; prohibit and allow recovery of certain costs relating to extradition. Amends secs. 6, 15, 16, 18 & 25 of 1937 PA 144 (MCL 780.6 et seq.) & adds sec. 23a. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6041'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0584'02
HB 6053 of 2002 House Bill Higher education; financial aid; student scholarships for individuals enrolled in a nursing program who agree to serve as nurses in this state; provide for. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6054'02
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 6054 of 2002
(PA 586 of 2002)
House Bill Higher education; financial aid; funding nursing scholarship program; provide from Michigan merit award trust fund. Amends sec. 5 of 1999 PA 94 (MCL 390.1455). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0793'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0586'02
HB 6069 of 2002 House Bill Income tax; property tax credit; special assessments for fire and advanced life support; include in definition of property taxes. Amends sec. 512 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.512).
HB 6070 of 2002 House Bill State; authorities; Michigan next energy authority; create. Creates new act.
HB 6071 of 2002
(PA 512 of 2002)
House Bill Economic development; renaissance zones; alternative energy zone; create. Amends sec. 8a of 1996 PA 376 (MCL 125.2688a).
Last Action: assigned PA 0512'02
HB 6076 of 2002 House Bill Use tax; exemptions; alternative energy vehicles, alternative energy marine propulsion system, and alternative energy system; provide for use tax exemption. Amends 1937 PA 94 (MCL 205.91 - 205.111) by adding sec. 4w.
HB 6084 of 2002 House Bill Advertising; billboards; notification of special land use request proceedings for billboards; require city or village to give to neighboring communities. Amends secs. 4a, 5, 11 & 20 of 1921 PA 207 (MCL 125.584a et seq.) & adds sec. 9a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Local Government and Urban Policy
HB 6086 of 2002 House Bill Education; financing; number of mills certain school districts are allowed to levy for operating purposes; revise. Amends sec. 1211 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1211).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education
HB 6101 of 2002 House Bill Income tax; deductions; fitness center memberships and exercise equipment; provide deduction for. Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 6104 of 2002 House Bill Weapons; licensing; issuance of law enforcement concealed weapons license; allow. Amends 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.421 - 28.435) by adding sec. 5x.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary
HB 6108 of 2002 House Bill Weapons; licensing; concealed weapon and pistol training requirements; revise. Amends sec. 5j of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425j).
HB 6109 of 2002 House Bill Weapons; licensing; waiver of certain educational requirements for peace officers and former peace officers seeking renewal of concealed pistol permit; provide. Amends sec. 5l of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425l).
HB 6110 of 2002 House Bill Weapons; concealed; reserve and part-time peace officers to carry concealed pistols on certain premises; allow. Amends 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.421 - 28.435) by adding sec. 5y.
HB 6111 of 2002 House Bill Weapons; other; certain provisions relating to concealed weapons carried by reserve law enforcement officers; revise. Amends sec. 231 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.231).
HB 6113 of 2002 House Bill Weapons; concealed; implied consent provisions for peace officers licensed to carry concealed pistols; revise. Amends sec. 5k of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425k).
HB 6115 of 2002 House Bill Income tax; credit; purchase of body armor by law enforcement officers; provide for credit. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 270.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 6138 of 2002 House Bill Corrections; other; correctional industries products; require to include coffins for indigent burials. Amends sec. 7 of 1968 PA 15 (MCL 800.327).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 6163 of 2002 House Bill Consumer protection; unfair trade practices; cancellation of no money down or no interest financing transactions based on the consumer's credit; prohibit after delivery of goods. Amends sec. 3 of 1976 PA 331 (MCL 445.903).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 6184 of 2002 House Bill Land use; zoning and growth management; notification of a pending billboard application to neighboring communities; require. Amends secs. 16b, 16c, 23 & 40 of 1943 PA 184 (MCL 125.286b et seq.) & adds sec. 24b.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Local Government and Urban Policy
HB 6185 of 2002 House Bill Land use; zoning and growth management; notification of a pending billboard application to neighboring communities; require. Amends secs. 16b, 16c, 23 & 40 of 1943 PA 183 (MCL 125.216b et seq.) & adds sec. 24b.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Local Government and Urban Policy
HB 6211 of 2002 House Bill Environmental protection; landfills; levy of a landfill-tipping fee; establish and earmark to fund recycling programs and solid waste program administration. Amends sec. 11525 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.11525); adds secs. 11532a & 11532b & repeals sec. 11525a of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.11525a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment
HB 6230 of 2002 House Bill Consumer protection; unfair trade practices; retailer failing to honor gift certificates; prohibit. Amends sec. 3 of 1976 PA 331 (MCL 445.903).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/28/02
HB 6238 of 2002 House Bill Traffic control; parking; qualifications for parking placards; revise. Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding sec. 675e.
HB 6276 of 2002 House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; reference to homestead exemption in school aid act; revise to principal residence exemption. Amends sec. 20 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1620). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6283'02
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6277 of 2002 House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; reference to homestead exemption in the seller disclosure act; revise to principal residence exemption. Amends sec. 7 of 1993 PA 92 (MCL 565.957). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6283'02
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6278 of 2002 House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; reference to homestead exemption in the state real estate transfer tax act; revise to principal residence exemption. Amends sec. 6 of 1993 PA 330 (MCL 207.526). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6283'02
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6279 of 2002 House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; references to homestead exemption in the tax tribunal act; revise to principal residence exemption. Amends secs. 35, 37, 43 & 62a of 1973 PA 186 (MCL 205.735 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6283'02
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6280 of 2002 House Bill Health facilities; nursing homes; wheelchair restraints; allow for family input. Amends sec. 21734 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.21734) & adds sec. 21735.
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6281 of 2002 House Bill Health facilities; certificate of need; exception for existing health facility to relocate licensed beds to another health facility within the same health service area; create. Amends sec. 22209 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.22209).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6282 of 2002 House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; reference to homestead exemption in revised school code; revise to principal residence exemption. Amends secs. 1211, 1211d & 1211e of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1211 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6283'02
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6283 of 2002 House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; definition of "homestead exemption" to "principal residence exemption"; provide for. Amends secs. 7cc, 7dd, 7u, 24c, 27d & 120 of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7cc et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6276'02 HB 6277'02 HB 6278'02 HB 6279'02
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6284 of 2002 House Bill Appropriations; supplemental; funding for arsenic testing and public education program; provide for.
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6285 of 2002 House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; reference to homestead exemption in neighborhood enterprize zone act; revise to principal residence exemption. Amends sec. 9 of 1992 PA 147 (MCL 207.779). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6283'02
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6286 of 2002 House Bill Property tax; homestead exemption; reference to homestead exemption in the development of blighting property act; revise to principal residence exemption. Amends sec. 2 of 2002 PA 27 (MCL 125.2802). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6283'02
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6287 of 2002 House Bill Veterans; other; veterans who did not graduate from high school but joined the armed forces during the Vietnam War; grant high school diploma. Amends title & sec. 1 of 2001 PA 181 (MCL 35.341).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6288 of 2002 House Bill Veterans; other; veterans who did not graduate from high school but joined the armed forces during the Korean War; grant high school diploma. Amends title & sec. 1 of 2001 PA 181 (MCL 35.341).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6289 of 2002 House Bill Agriculture; other; regulation of pet shops; revise. Amends title & secs. 1, 3, 4, 5, 5a, 9b & 10 of 1969 PA 287 (MCL 287.331 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/20/02
HB 6337 of 2002
(PA 719 of 2002)
House Bill Weapons; firearms; concealed pistols; provide for general amendments. Amends secs. 1, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5f, 5j, 5l, 5o & 12a of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.421 et seq.).
Last Action: assigned PA 0719'02
HB 6377 of 2002 House Bill Children; abuse or neglect; definition of child abuse; expand to include the act of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of an intoxicating liquor. Amends sec. 2 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.622).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02
HB 6378 of 2002 House Bill Income tax; credit; tax credit for charitable contributions to a noncommercial telecommunications entity; provide for. Amends sec. 260 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.260).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02
HB 6388 of 2002 House Bill Natural resources; fishing; types of documentation acceptable for member of armed forces to establish eligibility for discounted hunting or fishing license; expand. Amends sec. 43536a of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.43536a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02
HB 6389 of 2002 House Bill Law enforcement; other; public safety communications; allow use of radio towers. Amends sec. 3 of 1929 PA 152 (MCL 28.283).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02
HB 6390 of 2002 House Bill Worker's compensation; disabilities; definition of personal injury; expand to include infectious diseases in certain cases. Amends sec. 405 of 1969 PA 317 (MCL 418.405).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02
HB 6394 of 2002 House Bill Animals; game; importation of cervidae carcasses; prohibit frin certain states. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 40109a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02
HB 6444 of 2002
(PA 712 of 2002)
House Bill Law enforcement; investigations; Michigan Amber alert plan; establish. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6445'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0712'02
HB 6451 of 2002 House Bill Children; adoption; civil fines for a child placing agency's misuse of procedures under the adoption code or safe delivery law; enact. Amends sec. 21a, ch. X & secs. 2 & 7, ch. XII of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 710.21a et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02
HB 6453 of 2002 House Bill Crimes; definitions; definition of "duty to flee"; expand to include on premises. Amends 1927 PA 175 (MCL 760.1 - 777.69) by adding sec. 21c to ch. VIII.
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02
HB 6454 of 2002 House Bill Sales tax; exemptions; sale of goods by nonprofit organizations; increase exemption allowed. Amends sec. 4o of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.54o).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02
HB 6505 of 2002 House Bill Children; abuse or neglect; refusal of a parent or guardian to put a child on psychotropic medication; provide that refusal or questioning of use is not abuse or neglect. Amends sec. 3a of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.623a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/12/02
HB 6511 of 2002 House Bill Public utilities; other; disconnection of telephone service for certain military individuals; prohibit. Amends 1991 PA 179 (MCL 484.2101 - 484.2701) by adding sec. 314a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/12/02
HB 6512 of 2002 House Bill Public utilities; other; disconnect of utility service for certain military individuals; prohibit. Amends 1939 PA 3 (MCL 460.1 - 460.10cc) by adding sec. 9.
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/12/02
HB 6548 of 2002 House Bill Natural resources; inland lakes; projects undertaken by riparian owners; clarify. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 30111a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 12/04/02