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Public Act Number: 8
Public Act Year: 2008
Document Type(s): MCLs
(9 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 324.12101 Section Definitions; B to L.
Section 324.12102 Section Definitions; O to V.
Section 324.12102a Section Materials not specified as liquid industrial by-products.
Section 324.12103 Section Generator; duties.
Section 324.12105 Section Registered and permitted transporter; requirements.
Section 324.12107 Section Vehicles; copy of registration and permit to be carried; closing or covering of vehicles; cleaning and decontamination; applicability of subsection (3) to vehicle transporting brine.
Section 324.12111 Section Incidents threatening public health, safety, and welfare, or environment; duties of generator, transporter, or owner or operator of facility; exemptions.
Section 324.12112 Section Facility accepting liquid industrial by-product; duties of owner or operator; report.
Section 324.12113 Section Treatment, storage, or disposal of liquid industrial by-product; requirements.