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Public Act Number: 474
Public Act Year: 2002
Document Type(s): MCLs
(27 results found)
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Document Type Description
Act 285 of 1965 Statute PROFESSIONAL INVESTIGATOR LICENSURE ACT (338.821 - 338.851)
Section 338.821 Section Short title.
Section 338.822 Section Definitions.
Section 338.823 Section License required; investigation of prohibited activities; civil or criminal action; violation; penalty.
Section 338.824 Section Exemptions from act.
Section 338.825 Section License; issuance, duration.
Section 338.826 Section License; qualifications; reciprocal agreements.
Section 338.827 Section Application for license; notarized statement as to qualifications; investigation of applicant.
Section 338.829 Section License; conditions of issuance; fee; duration; suspension or revocation; bonds; branch office; filing completed application; issuance of license within certain time period; report; “completed application” defined.
Section 338.830 Section License; suspension or revocation; grounds; additional sanctions; surrendering license and identification card; noncompliance as misdemeanor.
Section 338.831 Section License fee; refund; conditions.
Section 338.832 Section License; posting.
Section 338.833 Section Reporting name or location change in agency; new license.
Section 338.834 Section Identification card; issuance; form and contents; maintenance, custody, and control; duplicates.
Section 338.836 Section Display of unauthorized badge, shield, identification card, or license; violation; penalties.
Section 338.837 Section Licensees; employment of assistants; records; false statements; fingerprints.
Section 338.838 Section Hiring of person convicted of certain felonies or misdemeanors prohibited; refusal to surrender license or identification card.
Section 338.840 Section Divulging of information; willful sale of or furnishing false information; penalty; privileged communications; notice and hearing.
Section 338.841 Section Violation of act; report of conviction by prosecuting attorney.
Section 338.842 Section Advertising; contents; discontinuing misleading advertising; notice.
Section 338.843 Section Trade names; approval by department.
Section 338.844 Section Record of business transaction and reports; retention.
Section 338.845 Section Investigation of applicants; complaints; subpoenas; fees; failure to obey; penalty; testimony under oath.
Section 338.846 Section License; renewal; fee; bond.
Section 338.847 Section Death of licensee; carrying on business; notice to department; sale of business.
Section 338.848 Section Employment of agents; rules.
Section 338.851 Section Violation; penalty.