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Public Act Number: 471
Public Act Year: 2016
Document Type(s): MCLs
(14 results found)
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Section 125.2652 Section Definitions.
Section 125.2653 Section Brownfield redevelopment authority; establishment; exercise of powers; alteration or amendment of boundaries; authority as public body corporate; written agreement with county.
Section 125.2654 Section Resolution by governing body; adoption; notice; public hearing; proceedings establishing authority; presumption of validity; exercise of powers as essential governmental function.
Section 125.2657 Section Powers of authority; determining captured taxable value; transfer of municipality funds to authority.
Section 125.2658 Section Local brownfield revolving fund.
Section 125.2658a Section State brownfield redevelopment fund.
Section 125.2661 Section Financing sources of authority activities.
Section 125.2663 Section Brownfield plan; provisions.
Section 125.2663a Section Cost recovery action.
Section 125.2663b Section Use of taxes captured from eligible property.
Section 125.2664 Section Brownfield plan; approval; public hearing; record; notice; public purpose; determination; amendments to plan; validity of procedure, notice, and findings; presumption; abolishment or termination of plan.
Section 125.2665 Section Work plan; documents to be submitted for approval; conditions for approval; written response; time limitations; department specific activities; review by department; approval or denial of work plan as final decision; appeal; approval by Michigan strategic fund or Michigan state housing development authority; duties; criteria; failure to provide written response; final approval; report; distribution of remaining funds; extension of review period; approval of combined brownfield plan.
Section 125.2665a Section Retention and payment of taxes levied under state education tax act; conditions; use; application for approval by authority; information to be included; approval, modification, or denial of application by department of treasury; appropriation and distribution of amount; aggregate amount; lien; obligations; copy of application; calculations; legislative intent; definitions.
Section 125.2666 Section Tax increment revenues; transmission to authority; expenditure; reversion of surplus funds; financial status report; collection and compilation of financial reports by department, Michigan strategic fund, and Michigan state housing development authority; reporting obligations; performance postaudit report by auditor general; report by owner or developer for active project within brownfield plan; requirements applicable to transformational brownfield plan.