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Public Act Number: 439
Public Act Year: 2008
Document Type(s): MCLs
(12 results found)
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Section 205.92 Section Definitions; applicability to delivery and installation charges.
Section 205.92b Section Additional definitions.
Section 205.93a Section Tax for use or consumption; services; charges for intrastate telecommunications services or telecommunications services between state and another state; bundled transaction; definitions.
Section 205.93b Section Tax for use or consumption; mobile wireless services; customer's place of primary use; record; reliance upon exempt status for mobile wireless services; repeal of section; condition; air-ground radiotelephone service; bundled transaction; definitions.
Section 205.93c Section Sale of telecommunications services; definitions.
Section 205.94d Section Exemptions; food or drink from vending machines; definitions.
Section 205.94i Section Exemption for drop shipments; definition.
Section 205.97 Section Liability for tax.
Section 205.104a Section Inventory and records; maintenance; preservation; tax liability; failure to file return or preserve records; tax assessment; basis; indirect audit; information exception; blanket exemption; "indirect audit procedure" and "sufficient records" defined.
Section 205.104a.amended Section Inventory and records; maintenance; preservation; tax liability; failure to file return or preserve records; tax assessment; basis; indirect audit; information exception; blanket exemption; "indirect audit procedure" and "sufficient records" defined.
Section 205.104b Section Exemption claimed by purchaser; duties of seller; process to claim exemption after purchase.
Section 205.104b.amended Section Exemption claimed by purchaser; duties of seller; process to claim exemption after purchase.