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Public Act Number: 420
Public Act Year: 2014
Document Type(s): MCLs
Public Act Year: 2014
Document Type(s): MCLs
(11 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
Act 74 of 1970 | Statute | CORNER RECORDATION ACT (54.201 - 54.210d) |
Section 54.202 | Section | Definitions. |
Section 54.203 | Section | Original public land survey corner; completion and filing of land corner recordation certificate. |
Section 54.203a | Section | Protracted public land survey corner; completion and filing of land corner recordation certificate. |
Section 54.203b | Section | Property controlling corner; recordation. |
Section 54.204 | Section | Corner record; completion and filing of land corner recordation certificate. |
Section 54.205 | Section | Land corner recordation certificate; information to be included; promulgation of rules. |
Section 54.206 | Section | Preservation of completed land corner recordation certificate; numerical order; placement of book and page number on index; public inspection; filing fee. |
Section 54.207 | Section | Monumenting corner and each accessory to corner; physical condition; witness monument; reference monuments; report. |
Section 54.208 | Section | Signing, dating, and sealing land recordation certificate. |
Section 54.210d | Section | Defacing, destroying, altering, or removing monument, accessory, witness monument, or reference monument; penalty; temporary removal; resetting and rewitnessing; report. |