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Public Act Number: 280
Public Act Year: 2001
Document Type(s): MCLs
(7 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 400.14h Section Electronic benefit transfer system; use for food stamp distribution; rescission of rules.
Section 400.57d Section Conduct of weekly orientation sessions; development of family self-sufficiency plan; compliance required; penalties; reassessment of recipient's eligibility.
Section 400.57e Section Family self-sufficiency plan; execution; development; contents; identification of goals; monitoring compliance with plan.
Section 400.57e.amended Section Family self-sufficiency plan; execution; development; contents; identification of goals; monitoring compliance with plan.
Section 400.57f Section Agreement with Michigan economic development corporation or successor entity; administration of PATH program; eligibility; exemptions; temporary exemption; disabled individual; rules; subsection (6) inapplicable after December 31, 2013; "PATH" program defined.
Section 400.57g Section Failure to comply with plan; penalties; "noncompliance" defined; notice; good cause; period of time recipient ineligible; denial or termination of benefits; "good cause" defined.
Section 400.57g.amended Section Failure to comply with plan; penalties; "noncompliance" defined; notice; good cause; period of time recipient ineligible; denial or termination of benefits; "good cause" defined.