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Public Act Number: 121
Public Act Year: 2003
Document Type(s): MCLs
(6 results found)
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Document Type Description
Act 415 of 1982 Statute CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS' TRAINING ACT OF 1982 (791.501 - 791.517)
Section 791.502 Section Definitions.
Section 791.503 Section Correctional officers' training council; creation; duties; membership.
Section 791.504 Section Council members; terms; appointment; vacancy; reappointment.
Section 791.505 Section Council chairperson and vice-chairperson; designation; terms of office; reelection; location and number of council meetings; special meetings; establishment of procedures and requirements; conduct of business at public meeting; public notice; compensation; expenses.
Section 791.515 Section Central training academy; establishment; provision of funds; separate appropriation.