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Public Act Number: 103
Public Act Year: 2003
Document Type(s): MCLs
(4 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 257.312b Section Motorcycle endorsement; examination; motorcycle safety course; waiver of certain tests; 3-wheeled motorcycle; restriction; establishing and conducting driving skills test; rules; audit of motorcycle safety fund; third party motorcycle program; prohibited conduct; violation as felony.
Section 257.312c Section Motorcycle endorsement; application; fees; disposition of money; motorcycle safety and education awareness fund; creation; deposit of money or other assets; investment; interest and earnings; money remaining in fund at close of fiscal year; state treasurer as administrator; "look twice – save a life" program; renewal motorcycle endorsement fee; increase.
Section 257.811a Section Motorcycle safety course; conducting; amount and use of fees; duties of secretary of state; rules; designation, qualifications, and funding of state coordinator of motorcycle safety education program; annual inspections; fulfillment of waiver requirement; audit.
Section 257.811b Section Motorcycle safety course conducted by private business enterprise; rules; fulfillment of waiver requirement.