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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2021-2022
Detailed Category: Education: public school academies
Legislative Session(s): 2021-2022
Detailed Category: Education: public school academies
(47 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 0192 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Education: curriculum; instruction and professional development on warning signs and risk factors for suicide and depression; make mandatory. Amends secs. 1171 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1171). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0200 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Education: employees; school administrator performance evaluations for the 2020-2021 school year; modify student growth data as factor. Amends sec. 1249b of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1249b). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0201 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Education: teachers; teacher performance evaluations for the 2020-2021 school year; modify student growth data as factor. Amends sec. 1249 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1249). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0645 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; permitted prioritization for enrollment in public school academies; modify. Amends secs. 504, 524, 556 & 1311g of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.504 et seq.). Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
SB 0776 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Education: school districts; policy and procedures regarding closure of a school building; require. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1258. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0777 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; enrollment requirements for strict discipline academies; modify. Amends sec. 1311g of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1311g). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WITH SUBSTITUTE (S-1) |
SB 0778 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; certain technical changes to the revised school code related to strict discipline academies; provide for. Amends sec. 1311d of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1311d). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE |
HB 4032 of 2021 | House Bill |
Education: teachers; teacher and school administrator performance evaluations; modify rating structure and data on student growth as factor. Amends secs. 1249 & 1249b of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1249 & 380.1249b). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 01/27/2021 |
HB 4038 of 2021 | House Bill |
Education: examinations; administration of certain assessments; prohibit certain state agencies from requiring. Amends sec. 1279g of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1279g) & adds sec. 1279i. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WITH SUBSTITUTE (S-1) |
HB 4074 of 2021 (PA 54 of 2022) |
House Bill |
Education: curriculum; program of instruction in free enterprise and entrepreneurship; encourage in school districts and public school academies. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1166b. Last Action: assigned PA 54'22 |
HB 4156 of 2021 | House Bill |
Education: counseling; minimum number of school counselors to be employed by a school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy; establish. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1173. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/04/2021 |
HB 5051 of 2021 | House Bill |
Education: teachers; teacher performance evaluations; modify. Amends sec. 1249 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1249). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5052'21 Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/16/2021 |
HB 5104 of 2021 | House Bill |
Education: teachers; teacher and school administrator performance evaluations; modify rating structure and remove student growth and assessment data as factor in. Amends secs. 1248, 1249, 1249a, 1249b, 1250, 1280f, 1531j & 1531k of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1248 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5105'21 Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/23/2021 |
HB 5317 of 2021 | House Bill |
School aid: other; certain disclosure requirements for public schools; modify. Amends sec. 18 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1618). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 09/21/2021 |
SB 0927 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
School aid: other; certain disclosure requirements for public schools; modify. Amends sec. 18 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1618). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0928 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; requirements for management agreement with educational management organizations; revise. Amends secs. 503c, 504a, 523c, 525, 553c, 557 & 1311h of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.503c et seq.). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0929 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; certain provisions in charter school contracts; require. Amends secs. 503, 523 & 553 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.503 et seq.). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0930 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; requirements and duties of authorizing body; revise. Amends secs. 502, 522, 552 & 1311d of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.502 et seq.). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0931 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; notification to public school academy if they are currently being operated by an educational maintenance organization that is experiencing financial distress; require. Amends secs. 1219 & 1220 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1219 & 380.1220). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0932 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; requirements for issuance of contract, provisions concerning oversight, and management contracts; revise. Amends secs. 502, 503, 507, 522, 523, 528, 552, 553 & 561 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.502 et seq.). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0933 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; additional requirements for oversight of public school academies by authorizing bodies; provide for. Amends secs. 507, 528 & 561 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.507 et seq.). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0934 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; charter school real estate transactions with certain entities; restrict. Amends secs. 504a, 525, 557 & 1311h of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.504a et seq.). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0935 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: public school academies; contracts with educational management organization; require certain provisions. Amends secs. 503, 507, 523, 528, 553, 561, 1311e & 1311l of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.503 et seq.). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0937 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: board members; monthly board meetings for all public schools; require. Amends sec. 1201 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1201). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 0969 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: teachers; teacher performance evaluations for the 2021-2022 school year; modify. Amends sec. 1249 of 1976 PA (380.1249). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 1012 of 2022 (PA 180 of 2022) |
Senate Bill |
Education: school districts; student mental health apprenticeship retention and training (SMART) internship grant program; create. Creates new act. Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0180'22 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
SB 1096 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: financing; grant program intended to support certain students in teacher preparation programs, new teachers, and mentors; create. Amends 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1601 - 388.1896) by adding sec. 81a. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
SB 1220 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Education: financing; requirements concerning the provision of instruction by cyber schools; modify to ensure that the tracking of participation is not required through attendance. Amends sec. 553a of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.553a). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
HB 5685 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: teachers; public schools to employ or contract for student teachers to teach in schools for certain period; allow. Amends sec. 1231 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1231) & adds sec. 1233d. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 01/25/2022 |
HB 5703 of 2022 (PA 213 of 2022) |
House Bill |
Education: other; posting of certain sections of law; require by public schools, the department, and the state board of education. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 10a. Last Action: assigned PA 213'22 |
HB 5846 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: public school academies; requirements for management agreement with educational management organizations; revise. Amends secs. 503c, 504a, 523c, 525, 553c, 557 & 1311h of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.503c et seq.). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/24/2022 |
HB 5847 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: public school academies; requirements for issuance of contract, provisions concerning oversight, and management contracts; revise. Amends secs. 502, 503, 507, 522, 523, 528, 552, 553 & 561 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.502 et seq.). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/24/2022 |
HB 5848 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: public school academies; notification to public school academy if they are currently being operated by an educational maintenance organization that is experiencing financial distress; require. Amends secs. 1219 & 1220 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1219 & 380.1220). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/24/2022 |
HB 5850 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: public school academies; requirements and duties of authorizing body; revise. Amends secs. 502, 522, 552 & 1311d of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.502 et seq.). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/24/2022 |
HB 5851 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: public school academies; additional requirements for oversight of public school academies by authorizing bodies; provide for. Amends secs. 507, 528 & 561 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.507 et seq.). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/24/2022 |
HB 5852 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: board members; monthly board meetings for all public schools; require. Amends sec. 1201 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1201). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/24/2022 |
HB 5853 of 2022 | House Bill |
School aid: other; certain disclosure requirements for public schools; modify. Amends sec. 18 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1618). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/24/2022 |
HB 5854 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: public school academies; charter school real estate transactions with certain entities; restrict. Amends secs. 504a, 525, 557 & 1311h of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.504a et seq.). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/24/2022 |
HB 5855 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: public school academies; contracts with educational management organization; require certain provisions. Amends secs. 503, 507, 523, 528, 553, 561, 1311e & 1311l of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.503 et seq.). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/24/2022 |
HB 5856 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: public school academies; certain provisions in charter school contracts; require. Amends secs. 503, 523, & 553 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.503 et seq.). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/24/2022 |
HB 5992 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: teachers; teacher performance evaluations; modify. Amends sec. 1249 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1249). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5994'22 Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 04/12/2022 |
HB 6013 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: financing; grant program to provide funding for mentor teachers and student teachers; create. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1531e. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CAREER READINESS |
HB 6020 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: school districts; student mental health apprenticeship retention and training (SMART) internship grant program; create. Creates new act. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON HEALTH POLICY AND HUMAN SERVICES |
HB 6306 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: school districts; the hosting of, presenting of, display of, or exposure to a drag show or drag presentation by a school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy; prohibit with regard to pupils in any of grades pre-K to 12. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding secs. 1302 & 1302a. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/30/2022 |
HB 6327 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: safety; OK2SAY program contact information; require inclusion on certain student identification cards. Amends sec. 3 of 2020 PA 211 (MCL 380.1893). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/30/2022 |
HB 6333 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: safety; school safety guardian program; create. Creates new act. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/30/2022 |
HB 6452 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: curriculum; sex education, instruction in reproductive health, and instruction concerning communicable diseases; limit to grades 4 and above and allow for the provision of certain educational materials to parents and legal guardians. Amends secs. 1169, 1506, 1507 & 1507b of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1169 et seq.). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 10/11/2022 |