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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2021-2022
Detailed Category: Businesses: small
(4 results found)
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Document Type Description
HB 4060 of 2021 House Bill Economic development: other; center for microenterprise development; create. Amends 1984 PA 270 (MCL 125.2001 - 125.2094) by adding ch. 7A.
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 01/28/2021
HB 4162 of 2021 House Bill Economic development: Michigan strategic fund; disclosure of COVID relief funding designated to each of the legislators districts; allow for. Amends 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1101 - 18.1594) by adding sec. 496.
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/04/2021
HB 4221 of 2021 House Bill Individual income tax: credit; incentive for certain taxpayers to hire unemployed veterans; create. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.713) by adding secs. 277 & 677.
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/11/2021
SB 1216 of 2022 Senate Bill Economic development: Michigan strategic fund; funding for certain restaurant owners who previously applied for restaurant revitalization funds, or other COVID-19 relief programs, but were denied because of the deadline; provide for. Creates appropriation act.