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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2019-2020
Detailed Category: Labor: public service employment
Legislative Session(s): 2019-2020
Detailed Category: Labor: public service employment
(9 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 0225 of 2019 | Senate Bill |
Labor; public service employment; opt-out for public employee contribution to employer-provider health care benefits; remove population threshold exclusion. Amends sec. 8 of 2011 PA 152 (MCL 15.568). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS |
SB 0481 of 2019 | Senate Bill |
Legislature: legislative agencies; ombudsman for public employees; create. Creates new act. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS |
HB 4033 of 2019 | House Bill |
Labor: collective bargaining; requirement for agency fee for nonunion members; allow in bargaining agreements and as condition of employment in public sector. Amends secs. 9, 10 & 15 of 1947 PA 336 (MCL 423.209 et seq.). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 01/15/2019 |
HB 4177 of 2019 | House Bill |
Public employees and officers: ethics; office of government accountability; create. Creates new act. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/13/2019 |
HB 4821 of 2019 | House Bill |
Labor; collective bargaining; prohibition against public school employers' use of public school resources to collect union dues; remove. Amends sec. 10 of 1947 PA 336 (MCL 423.210). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 08/06/2019 |
HB 4872 of 2019 | House Bill |
Legislature: legislative agencies; ombudsman for public employees; create. Creates new act. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 08/29/2019 |
HB 4907 of 2019 | House Bill |
Labor: collective bargaining; prohibited subjects of bargaining; revise for public school employers. Amends sec. 15 of 1947 PA 336 (MCL 423.215). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 09/03/2019 |
HB 5981 of 2020 | House Bill |
Legislature: legislative agencies; ombudsman for public employees; create. Creates new act. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT |
HB 6338 of 2020 | House Bill |
Labor: public service employment; public notice; revise notice requirements to those in the local government public notice act. Amends sec. 12 of 1935 PA 78 (MCL 38.512). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6440'20 Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 11/12/2020 |