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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2017-2018
Detailed Category: Crimes: robbery
(3 results found)
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Document Type Description
HB 4287 of 2017 House Bill Crimes; robbery; penalties for possession of weapon during a robbery; increase. Amends sec. 529 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.529).
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 03/01/2017
HB 5010 of 2017
(PA 148 of 2018)
House Bill Criminal procedure; statute of limitations; crime of armed robbery; include. Amends sec. 24, ch. VII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 767.24).
Last Action: assigned PA 148'18 with immediate effect
HB 5671 of 2018 House Bill Crimes; robbery; description of armed robbery; modify. Amends sec. 529 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.529).
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/28/2018