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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2009-2010
Detailed Category: Constitutional amendments: state
Legislative Session(s): 2009-2010
Detailed Category: Constitutional amendments: state
(96 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
HJR A of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; legislative salaries; modify. Amends sec. 12, art. IV & adds sec. 55 to art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: notice given to discharge committee |
SJR A of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Legislature; sessions; limitation of legislative session and repeal of term limits for legislators first serving in 2011 or later; provide for. Amends secs. 13 & 54, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AND REFORM |
HJR B of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Constitutional amendments; state; increase in taxable value of property; prohibit if market value is decreasing. Amends sec. 3, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 01/23/2009 |
SJR B of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Elections; school; voting age for school district elections; reduce to 16 years of age under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 1, art. II of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON CAMPAIGN AND ELECTION OVERSIGHT |
HJR C of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Higher education; tuition; in-state tuition rates of state universities; limit increases based on CPI in state constitution. Amends secs. 5 & 6, art. VIII & adds sec. 10 to art. VIII of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 01/23/2009 |
SJR C of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Elections; initiative and referendum; filing petition; include a requirement for geographic distribution of signatures. Amends sec. 9, art. II of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON CAMPAIGN AND ELECTION OVERSIGHT |
HJR D of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; reduction of pay for legislators who miss session without a valid excuse; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 55 to art. IV. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 01/23/2009 |
SJR D of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; legislator called for active military duty; amend constitution to establish temporary replacement. Amends sec. 8, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AND REFORM |
HJR E of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Property tax; assessments; limitation on taxable value based on change in SEV; amend constitution to provide for. Amends sec. 3, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: recommendation concurred in |
SJR E of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Legislature; other; repeal of unconstitutional provisions; provide for. Amends secs. 1 & 6, art. II, secs. 2 & 3, art. IV & sec. 6, art. IX & repeals sec. 10, art. II & secs. 4, 5 & 6 of art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON CAMPAIGN AND ELECTION OVERSIGHT |
HJR F of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; reduction in pay for legislators who miss session without an excused absence; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 55 to art. IV. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 01/28/2009 |
SJR F of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Public employees and officers; constitutional amendment creating the independent redistricting commission; provide for. Amends secs. 2, 3 & 6, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AND REFORM |
HJR G of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Property tax; assessments; taxable value; limit increase when market value increases by less than 5% or the rate of inflation. Amends sec. 3, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: recommendation concurred in |
SJR G of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; term limits and rules regarding chairing legislative committees; modify. Amends secs. 16 & 54, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AND REFORM |
HJR H of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Constitutional amendments; state; natural resources trust fund; modify allowable expenditures and provide for use of funds to manage land and water resources for recreational uses. Amends sec. 35, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 02/06/2009 |
SJR H of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Property tax; assessments; taxable value; limit increase when market value decreases. Amends sec. 3, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HJR I of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Property tax; assessments; increase in taxable value upon transfer; limit. Amends sec. 3, art IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 02/12/2009 |
SJR I of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Property tax; assessments; limitation on taxable value based on change in SEV; amend constitution to provide for. Amends sec. 3, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON FINANCE |
HJR J of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Property tax; assessments; calculation of taxable value; revise. Amends sec. 3, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 02/18/2009 |
SJR J of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Higher education; tuition; public universities to offer in-state tuition to all veterans; require. Amends secs. 5 & 6, art. VIII of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON SENIOR CITIZENS AND VETERANS AFFAIRS |
HJR K of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; reduction of legislators' salary if state unemployment rate exceeds certain amount; provide for. Amends sec. 12, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 02/18/2009 |
SJR K of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Constitutional amendments; state; right for independent health care; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I. Last Action: RECONSIDER VOTE POSTPONED |
HJR L of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; term limits; repeal. Repeals sec. 54, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 02/19/2009 |
SJR L of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Public employees and officers; other; veteran's preference for state jobs; revise. Amends sec. 5, art. XI of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON SENIOR CITIZENS AND VETERANS AFFAIRS |
HJR M of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Retirement; forfeiture; public employee pension forfeiture for certain offenses; allow. Amends sec. 24, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 02/19/2009 |
SJR M of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Civil rights; equal protection; right to life; establish and clarify. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
HJR N of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; reduced compensation for legislators who have unexcused absence from session; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 55 to art. IV. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON CAMPAIGN AND ELECTION OVERSIGHT |
SJR N of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; reduced compensation for legislators who have unexcused absence from session; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 55 to art. IV. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON CAMPAIGN AND ELECTION OVERSIGHT |
HJR O of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
State financing and management; budget; taxpayer bill of rights to limit government growth; adopt. Amends sec. 28, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 02/26/2009 |
SJR O of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Civil rights; equal protection; right to life; establish and clarify. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
HJR P of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Courts; judges; supreme court justices; clarify circumstances requiring disqualification. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 31 to art. VI. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 03/13/2009 |
SJR P of 2009 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Labor; civil service employment; health benefits of public employees and officers; allow legislature to regulate. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 8 to art. XI. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WITH SUBSTITUTE S-2 |
HJR Q of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
State financing and management; budget; appropriate the state budget based off of revenue estimating conference figures; require. Amends sec. 31, art. IV & sec. 18, art. V of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 04/03/2009 |
HJR R of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Income tax; rate; graduated state income tax; provide for. Amends sec. 7, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 04/22/2009 |
HJR S of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Higher education; tuition; public universities to offer in-state tuition to all veterans; require. Amends secs. 5 & 6, art. VIII of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 04/23/2009 |
HJR T of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Natural resources; hunting; hunting, trapping, and fishing as a constitutional right; establish. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 27 to art. I. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 04/24/2009 |
HJR U of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; sessions; unicameral legislature; provide for. Amends (See joint resolution). Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 06/10/2009 |
HJR V of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Sales tax; collections; distribution of sales tax proceeds; amend constitution to dedicate certain percentage of revenue to road construction, maintenance, and repair. Amends sec. 10, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed bill filed 06/11/2009 |
HJR W of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; part-time legislature; provide for, revise session calendar, reduce legislative salaries, and limit extraordinary sessions. Amends secs. 12 & 13, art. IV & sec. 15, art. V of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 06/17/2009 |
HJR X of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
State agencies (existing); generally; implementation of rules within state departments; require JCAR approval. Amends sec. 37, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 06/17/2009 |
HJR Z of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Constitutional amendments; state; affirmation of right for independent health care; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I. Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day |
HJR AA of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Public employees and officers; other; veteran's preference for state jobs; revise. Amends sec. 5, art. XI of the state constitution. Last Action: referred to second reading |
HJR BB of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Higher education; tuition; program of free postsecondary education and vocational training for state high school graduates; establish and provide funding. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 2a to art. VIII & sec. 11a to art. IX. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 09/03/2009 |
HJR CC of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Constitutional amendments; state; right for independent health care; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I. Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day |
HJR DD of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; part-time legislature, reduction of legislators' salaries, reduced compensation for absences from legislative session, and limit on legislative budget; provide for. Amends secs. 12 & 13, art. IV & adds sec. 55 to art. IV & sec. 43 to art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 09/10/2009 |
HJR EE of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; part-time legislature, term limits extension, and budget presentation to the governor by a certain date; provide for. Amends secs. 13, 31 & 54, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 09/11/2009 |
HJR GG of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Sales tax; distribution; percentage of sales tax revenue to be used for assistance to local units; amend constitution to increase. Amends sec. 10, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 09/16/2009 |
HJR HH of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; other; budget process; require legislature to present all general appropriation bills to the governor by July 1 and require forfeiture of legislator's salaries for failure to present those bills by that date. Amends sec. 31, art. IV & adds sec. 55 to art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 10/07/2009 |
HJR II of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Civil rights; equal protection; right to life; establish and clarify. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 10/15/2009 |
HJR JJ of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; other; budget process; establish a target deadline of July 1 of each year and school aid budget deadline of May 15. Amends sec. 31, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 10/16/2009 |
HJR KK of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Sales tax; rate; lower sales and use tax rate and apply sales tax to services; amend constitution to provide for. Amends secs. 8, 10 & 11, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 10/21/2009 |
HJR LL of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; budget process; require legislature to present budget by certain date and impose penalties if not presented by that date. Amends sec. 31, art. IV & adds sec. 55 to art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 10/21/2009 |
HJR MM of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Environmental protection; funding; surcharge on solid waste disposal; designate uses of funds. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 43 to art. IX. Last Action: referred to second reading |
HJR NN of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Family law; marriage and divorce; constitutional prohibition of same-sex marriages; repeal. Amends the state constitution by repealing sec. 25 of art. I. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 11/12/2009 |
HJR OO of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; term limits; revise to combination of 14 years total legislative service. Amends sec. 54, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 11/13/2009 |
HJR PP of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Property; condemnation; compensation for loss of value to property due to government regulations; enhance. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 7 to art. X. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 12/10/2009 |
HJR QQ of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; other; tax increase; require concurrence of 2/3 of the members of each house to approve. Amends sec. 26, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 12/10/2009 |
HJR NNN of 2009 | House Joint Resolution |
Natural resources; gas and oil; distribution from sale of oil and gas leases on state property; modify. Amends sec. 35, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 09/23/2010 |
SB 0413 of 2009 | Senate Bill |
Elections; initiative and referendum; approval of ballot question petition prior to circulation; provide for. Amends 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.1 - 168.992) by adding sec. 473a. Last Action: referred to Committee on Ethics and Elections |
SB 0951 of 2009 | Senate Bill |
Elections; petitions; review of ballot question petition by board of state canvassers before circulation; require. Amends 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.1 - 168.992) by adding sec. 483a. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON CAMPAIGN AND ELECTION OVERSIGHT |
SB 0952 of 2009 | Senate Bill |
Elections; petitions; form of a ballot question petition; revise. Amends sec. 482 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.482). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0954'09 Last Action: referred to Committee on Ethics and Elections |
SB 0953 of 2009 | Senate Bill |
Elections; petitions; posting of petition summary on secretary of state website; require. Amends 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.1 - 168.992) by adding sec. 483b. TIE BAR WITH: SB 0951'09 Last Action: referred to Committee on Ethics and Elections |
SB 0954 of 2009 | Senate Bill |
Elections; petitions; technical amendments to Michigan election law concerning ballot question petitions; provide for. Amends sec. 488 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.488). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0952'09 Last Action: referred to Committee on Ethics and Elections |
HB 5519 of 2009 | House Bill |
Legislature; other; fiscal year; revise. Amends sec. 491 of 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1491). Last Action: printed bill filed 10/16/2009 |
SJR Q of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Elections; judicial; ballot designation for incumbent judges; eliminate. Amends sec. 24, art. VI of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON CAMPAIGN AND ELECTION OVERSIGHT |
SJR R of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Constitutional amendments; state; opt-out provision to federal health care program; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON HEALTH POLICY |
SJR S of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Legislature; other; spending cuts or increased revenues for any bill that will have negative impact on state revenues; provide for. Amends sec. 26, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS |
SJR T of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
State financing and management; budget; constitutional amendment to limit the budget and make certain deposits; modify. Amends sec. 31, art. IV & sec. 18, art. V of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS |
SJR U of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Labor; public service employment; constitutional amendment for salary reduction for public employees and temporary pay freeze; provide for. Amends sec. 10, art. I, secs. 12 & 48, art. IV, sec. 23, art. V, secs. 3 & 18, art. VI, sec. 9, art. VII, secs. 5, 6 & 7, art. VIII & sec. 5, art. XI & adds sec. 8 to art. XI of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE |
SJR V of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Public employees and officers; other; qualifications for elected public officials to hold office; prohibit if convicted of certain offenses. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 8 to art. XI. Last Action: FILED WITH SECRETARY OF STATE 6/24/2010 @ 3:20 PM |
SJR W of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
State financing and management; budget; constitutional amendment providing for taxpayers bill of rights; adopt. Amends sec. 28, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS |
SJR X of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; term limits; extend. Amends sec. 54, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS |
SJR Z of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Natural resources; gas and oil; prohibition against drilling in the waters of the state or beneath the bottomlands of the Great Lakes; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 31 to art. V. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WITH SUBSTITUTE S-2 |
SJR AA of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Natural resources; gas and oil; prohibition against drilling in or beneath the bottomlands of the Great Lakes; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 31 to art. V. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS |
SJR BB of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Constitutional amendments; state; standing to bring a civil action to protect natural resources and the public trust in those resources; provide for. Amends sec. 52, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
SJR CC of 2010 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; term limits for state representatives; revise to four 2-year terms. Amends sec. 54, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS |
HJR RR of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; vacancy in state senate or house of representatives; allow governor to appoint successor in certain circumstances. Amends sec. 13, art. V of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 01/15/2010 |
HJR TT of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Courts; supreme court; supreme court districts; provide for. Amends sec. 2, art. VI of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 01/27/2010 |
HJR UU of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; part-time legislature, reduce legislative salaries and benefits, limit number of committees legislators may serve on, limit number of bills legislators may request, eliminate term limits, and require all budgets to be presented to the governor before June 1; provide for. Amends secs. 12, 13, 16, 22 & 31, art. IV & sec. 15, art. V & repeals sec. 54, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed bill filed 02/17/2010 |
HJR VV of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; other; budget process; provide for presentation of two fiscal period budgets, modify fiscal year date, revise amount appropriated in a fiscal year, and establish certain policies for revenue estimating conferences. Amends sec. 31, art. IV & sec. 18, art. V of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 02/19/2010 |
HJR WW of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Elections; primary; nomination of attorney general and secretary of state; revise. Amends sec. 21, art. V of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 03/03/2010 |
HJR XX of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; legislators' terms of office; modify. Amends secs. 2 & 3, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 03/03/2010 |
HJR ZZ of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Property tax; assessments; method used for calculation of annual increase to taxable value for property taxes; clarify. Amends sec. 3, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 03/19/2010 |
HJR AAA of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Higher education; state universities; constitutional requirement for annual accounting of income and expenditures; revise. Amends sec. 4, art. VIII of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 03/26/2010 |
HJR BBB of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; general amendments to constitution; provide for. Amends secs. 26 & 31, art. IV, secs. 19 & 29, art. V, secs. 11, 14, 24, 26, 27, 28, 35, 35a & 40, art. IX & sec. 5, art. XI & adds secs. 55 & 56 to art. IV & sec. 31 to art. V of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 03/26/2010 |
HJR CCC of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; other; constitutional amendment requiring equal application of law; petition congress for convention. Amends (See bill). Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 04/14/2010 |
HJR DDD of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Taxation; generally; legislatively passed tax increase; require to go before voters. Amends sec. 26, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 04/21/2010 |
HJR EEE of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; term limits; revise to combination of 14 years' total legislative service and require certain budget bills to be presented and signed by a certain date. Amends secs. 31 & 54, art. IV & adds sec. 55 to art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: referred to second reading |
HJR FFF of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Transportation; other; public-private partnerships; modify distribution of revenue. Amends sec. 9, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: notice given to discharge committee |
HJR GGG of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Natural resources; gas and oil; prohibition against drilling in or beneath the bottomlands of the Great Lakes; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 31 to art. V. Last Action: referred to second reading |
HJR HHH of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Public employees and officers; other; qualifications for elected public officials to hold office; disqualify if convicted of certain offenses. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 8 to art. XI. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 07/02/2010 |
HJR III of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Labor; public service employment; constitutional amendment for salary reduction for public employees and temporary pay freeze; provide for. Amends sec. 10, art. I, secs. 12 & 48, art. IV, sec. 23, art. V, secs. 3 & 18, art. VI, sec. 9, art. VII, secs. 5, 6 & 7, art. VIII & sec. 5, art. XI & adds sec. 8 to art. XI of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 08/25/2010 |
HJR JJJ of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Sales tax; collections; local option for a sales tax increase; allow, and earmark revenue into a transportation fund. Amends secs. 8 & 9, art. IX of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 08/25/2010 |
HJR KKK of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; other; requirement that bills be reported or discharged from committee and any changes be made available to members for 3 days prior to passage; provide for. Amends sec. 26, art. IV of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 09/02/2010 |
HJR LLL of 2010 | House Joint Resolution |
Transportation; other; definition of "instrumentality of government"; provide for in regard to public-private partnerships. Amends sec. 5, art. III of the state constitution. Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 09/16/2010 |
HB 6029 of 2010 | House Bill |
School aid; fiscal year appropriations; 2-year K-12 budget including guarantees of certain level of funding; implement. Amends secs. 11 & 11a of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1611 & 388.1611a). Last Action: printed bill filed 04/14/2010 |