Search Results
Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2003-2004
Detailed Category: Health: funding
Legislative Session(s): 2003-2004
Detailed Category: Health: funding
(2 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
HB 5637 of 2004 (PA 501 of 2004) |
House Bill |
Health facilities; other; matching grant program for the purchase of ultrasound machines by certain qualified entities; provide for. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 9141. Last Action: assigned PA 501'04 with immediate effect 2004 ADDENDA |
HB 6245 of 2004 (PA 444 of 2004) |
House Bill |
Health facilities; hospitals; medicare rural hospital flexibility program; designate certain hospitals as rural. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 21571. Last Action: assigned PA 444'04 with immediate effect |