Search Results
Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2003-2004
Detailed Category: Corrections: state facilities
Legislative Session(s): 2003-2004
Detailed Category: Corrections: state facilities
(16 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 0271 of 2003 | Senate Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; Ionia maximum correctional facility; rename to Jack Welborn correctional facility. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 20d. Last Action: referred to Committee on Government Operations |
SB 0750 of 2003 | Senate Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; prison capacity for certain state correctional facilities; revise, and prohibit new facilities in those areas. Amends sec. 20e of 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.220e). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
HB 4168 of 2003 | House Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; number of inmates housed at camp Brighton; establish. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 19a. Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 5070 of 2003 | House Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; telephone system for state correctional facilities; impose requirements. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 69b. Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
SB 1152 of 2004 | Senate Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; certain minimum sentences provided for under sentencing guidelines; revise. Amends secs. 65, 66 & 67, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.65 et seq.); adds secs. 20, 65a, 66a & 67a to ch. XVII & repeals secs. 20, 65, 66 & 67, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.20 et seq.). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
SB 1397 of 2004 | Senate Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; lighting at Mound and Ryan correctional facilities; improve. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 20o. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
SB 1398 of 2004 | Senate Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; prisoner movement at Mound and Ryan correctional facilities between sunrise and sunset; restrict. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 20i. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
SB 1400 of 2004 | Senate Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; notification to community liaison committee members regarding an emergency at the facilities; require. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 20m. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
SB 1401 of 2004 | Senate Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; maintenance and annual update of names and telephone numbers for certain community liaison committee members; require. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 20n. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
SB 1402 of 2004 | Senate Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; perimeter patrol at the Mound and Ryan correctional facilities; require. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 20j. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
SB 1403 of 2004 | Senate Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; toll-free number for the Mound and Ryan correctional facilities for notification of security status or escapes; provide for. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 20k. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
SB 1404 of 2004 | Senate Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; ratio of correctional officers to prisoners at the Mound and Ryan correctional facilities; revise. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 20l. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
HB 5720 of 2004 | House Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; advance notice and public hearings for new or expanding state correctional facilities; require. Amends sec. 16 of 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.216). Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 6186 of 2004 | House Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; prisoners who require dialysis; require to be housed near a dialysis facility. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 67c. Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 6269 of 2004 | House Bill |
Corrections; state facilities; uniform policy for reporting deaths of juveniles in the custody of the department of corrections; establish. Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 20i. Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |
HB 6270 of 2004 | House Bill |
Juveniles; criminal procedure; uniform policy for reporting death of juveniles residing at facilities; establish. Amends 1988 PA 73 (MCL 803.221 - 803.228) by adding sec. 3a. Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |