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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2001-2002
Detailed Category: Criminal procedure: records
(15 results found)
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Document Type Description
SB 0123 of 2001 Senate Bill Criminal procedure; sex offender registration; requirement for filing of blood type and DNA on the sex offender registry; revise. Amends sec. 7 of 1994 PA 295 (MCL 28.727).
SB 0479 of 2001
(PA 188 of 2001)
Senate Bill Law enforcement; fingerprinting; requirement that fingerprints be forwarded; create procedure and exceptions. Amends sec. 16a, ch. IX of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 769.16a). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0478'01
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0188'01
SB 0721 of 2001
(PA 203 of 2001)
Senate Bill Law enforcement; fingerprinting; law requiring procurement of fingerprints upon arrest or conviction for crimes; include criminal contempt and make other revisions. Amends secs. 2 & 3 of 1925 PA 289 (MCL 28.242 & 28.243). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0722'01
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0203'01
SB 0722 of 2001
(PA 204 of 2001)
Senate Bill Criminal procedure; records; report to state police of conviction of a crime; include conviction for criminal contempt and make other revisions. Amends sec. 16a, ch. IX of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 769.16a). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0721'01
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0204'01
SB 0731 of 2001
(PA 207 of 2001)
Senate Bill Criminal procedure; records; reports of certain domestic violence incidents; require by law enforcement agencies. Amends sec. 15c, ch. IV of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 764.15c).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0207'01
HB 4024 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; sex offender registration; penalties for distribution of certain information regarding sex offender list; provide for, and require corrections to be made in sex offender list. Amends secs. 8 & 10 of 1994 PA 295 (MCL 28.728 & 28.730).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
HB 4057 of 2001
(PA 303 of 2002)
House Bill Health facilities; nursing homes; quality assurance assessment fee, prohibiting employment by certain health facilities of individuals with certain criminal history, and reporting of certain employer disciplinary action; provide for in certain cases. Amends title & sec. 20161 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.20161) & adds sec. 20173.
Last Action: assigned PA 0303'02
HB 4058 of 2001 House Bill Children; child care; persons employed in child care organizations; require criminal history checks. Amends sec. 5 of 1973 PA 116 (MCL 722.115) & adds secs. 5c, 5d & 5e.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services
HB 4453 of 2001 House Bill Human services; adult foster care; adult foster care facilities; prohibit employment of individuals with certain criminal history and require facilities to conduct criminal history check for new employees. Amends 1979 PA 218 (MCL 400.701 - 400.737) by adding sec. 34a.
HB 4859 of 2001
(PA 79 of 2002)
House Bill Corrections; employees; record of controlled substance offenses that were subject to dismissal and discharge; allow to be used by department of corrections or law enforcement agencies for specified purposes. Amends sec. 7411 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.7411).
Last Action: assigned PA 0079'02
HB 5274 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; records; reports of certain domestic violence incidents by law enforcement agencies; require. Amends sec. 15c, ch. IV of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 764.15c).
HB 5277 of 2001
(PA 694 of 2002)
House Bill Law enforcement; fingerprinting; law requiring procurement of fingerprints upon arrest or conviction for crimes; include criminal contempt charges for violation of personal protection orders and foreign protection orders. Amends sec. 3 of 1925 PA 289 (MCL 28.243).
Last Action: assigned PA 0694'02
HB 5282 of 2001 House Bill Criminal procedure; records; report to state police of conviction of a crime; include conviction for criminal contempt. Amends sec. 16a, ch. IX of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 769.16a). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5277'01
HB 6202 of 2002
(PA 674 of 2002)
House Bill Children; child care; requirement for staff of child care centers to provide documentation regarding central registry checks; provide for. Amends 1973 PA 116 (MCL 722.111 - 722.128) by adding sec. 9.
Last Action: assigned PA 0674'02
HB 6519 of 2002 House Bill Occupations; athletics; professional boxer license eligibility; clarify as to persons with certain convictions. Amends sec. 806 of 1980 PA 299 (MCL 339.806).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform