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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 1999-2000
Detailed Category: Taxation: state real estate transfer
(7 results found)
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Document Type Description
SB 0325 of 1999 Senate Bill Taxation; state real estate transfer; state real estate transfer tax; repeal. Repeals 1993 PA 330 (MCL 207.521 - 207.537).
HB 4194 of 1999 House Bill Taxation; state real estate transfer; state real estate transfer tax; repeal. Repeals 1993 PA 330 (MCL 207.521 - 207.537).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4426 of 1999 House Bill Taxation; state real estate transfer; exemption for transfer of property constructed by students; provide for. Amends sec. 6 of 1993 PA 330 (MCL 207.526).
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5030 of 1999 House Bill Taxation; state real estate transfer; state real estate transfer tax; repeal. Repeals 1993 PA 330 (MCL 207.521 - 207.537).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
SB 1191 of 2000
(PA 203 of 2000)
Senate Bill Taxation; state real estate transfer; state transfer tax; exempt certain church transfers. Amends sec. 6 of 1993 PA 330 (MCL 207.526).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0203'00
HB 5551 of 2000 House Bill Taxation; state real estate transfer; calculation of taxes paid; exclude realtor's commission and hold state school aid fund harmless. Amends sec. 2 of 1993 PA 330 (MCL 207.522) & adds sec. 11a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 6068 of 2000 House Bill Taxation; state real estate transfer; tax exemption for certain nonpublic schools; provide for. Amends sec. 6 of 1993 PA 330 (MCL 207.526).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy