Act 255 of 2015
Document | Type | Description |
Section 552.2205 | Section | Issuance of child-support order; continuing, exclusive jurisdiction; modification; recognition of jurisdiction of another state; ex parte order. |
Section 552.2206 | Section | State tribunal serving as initiating or responding tribunal. |
Section 552.2207 | Section | Issuance of 1 or more child-support orders; recognition; request to determine controlling order; filing of certified copy. |
Section 552.2208 | Section | Response to registrations or petitions for enforcement of 2 or more orders. |
Section 552.2209 | Section | Crediting amounts collected under other order. |
Section 552.2210 | Section | Receipt of evidence, communication, and discovery from another state; application of procedural and substantive law. |
Section 552.2211 | Section | Spousal-support order; modification. |