MCL - Index of R.S. of 1846

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
R.S. of 1846 Revised Statutes of 1846 (554.1 - 554.46)
R-S-1846-554-1-62 CHAPTER 62 Chapter 62. Of The Nature And Qualities Of Estates In Real And Personal Property, And The Alienation Thereof. (554.1...554.46)
Section 554.1 Estates in lands; kinds as respects length of enjoyment.
Section 554.2 Estate of inheritance; fee simple.
Section 554.3 Estate of inheritance; fee tail; abolition, declaration as fee simple.
Section 554.4 Estate of inheritance; remainder in fee after a fee tail; validity.
Section 554.5 Freehold estates; chattels real; chattel interests.
Section 554.6 Estate for life of another; nature.
Section 554.7 Estates in land; kinds as respects time of enjoyment.
Section 554.8 Estates in possession and in expectancy; definition.
Section 554.9 Estates in expectancy; classifications.
Section 554.10 Future estate; definition.
Section 554.11 Future estate; remainder.
Section 554.12 Reversion; definition.
Section 554.13 Future estates; classifications, definitions.
Section 554.14-554.20 Repealed. 1949, Act 38, Eff. Sept. 23, 1949.
Section 554.21 Repealed. 1988, Act 417, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1988.
Section 554.22 Heirs and issue; construction as used in remainders.
Section 554.23 Repealed. 1949, Act 38, Eff. Sept. 23, 1949.
Section 554.24 Estates to commence in future; estates in term for years.
Section 554.25 Alternative future estates.
Section 554.26 Future estates; validity as affected by probability of contingency.
Section 554.27 Remainder on contingency defeating prior estate; construction.
Section 554.28 Rule in Shelly's Case; abolition.
Section 554.29 Remainder not contingency defeating prior estate; construction.
Section 554.30 Posthumous child; right to take estate.
Section 554.31 Posthumous child; effect of birth on certain future estates.
Section 554.32 Expectant estates; effect of alienation or destruction of precedent estate.
Section 554.33 Expectant estates; authorized method of defeasance, effect on original validity.
Section 554.34 Contingent remainder; effect of premature determination of precedent estate.
Section 554.35 Expectant estates; qualities.
Section 554.36 Rents and profits to accrue; disposition.
Section 554.37, 554.38 Repealed. 1952, Act 6, Eff. Sept. 18, 1952.
Section 554.39, 554.40 Repealed. 1952, Act 7, Eff. Sept. 18, 1952.
Section 554.41 Expectant estates; time of creation.
Section 554.42 Expectant estates; abolition, exceptions.
Section 554.43 Estates; kinds in respect to number and connection of owners; nature.
Section 554.44 Land conveyance to two or more persons; estate created.
Section 554.45 Land conveyance; exceptions to preceding section.
Section 554.46 Land conveyance; nominal conditions; effect of failure to perform.