MCL - Index of Act 260 of 2008

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 260 of 2008 GUARDIANSHIP ASSISTANCE ACT (722.871 - 722.881)
Section 722.871 Short title.
Section 722.872 Definitions.
Section 722.873 Guardianship assistance; eligibility.
Section 722.874 Guardianship assistance; payment to eligible guardian; criteria; eligibility for federal funding under title IV-E; sibling ineligible for federal funding; successor guardian.
Section 722.875 Guardianship assistance; negotiating and entering guardianship assistance agreement; specifications; limitation on payment; review by department; eligibility determination.
Section 722.875a Permanency plan including placement with guardian and receipt of guardianship assistance payments; information to be included in case service plan.
Section 722.875b Legal guardianship as judicially created relationship; transfer of parental rights to guardian.
Section 722.875c Guardianship assistance; successor guardian.
Section 722.875d Rules.
Section 722.876 Guardianship assistance; prohibition; conditions; notice of termination.
Section 722.877 Public or private medical insurance or assistance; application and maintenance.
Section 722.878 Collecting, assembling, and reporting data and information.
Section 722.879 Appeal of decision.
Section 722.880 Repealed. 2009, Act 15, Imd. Eff. Apr. 9, 2009.
Section 722.881 Postpermanency services; eligibility.