MCL - Index of 451-1994-III-4-2

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
451-1994-III-4-2 SUBCHAPTER 2 PARKS (324.74101...324.76118)
451-1994-III-4-2-PARKS PARKS (324.74101...324.75106)
451-1994-III-4-2-PARKS-741 PART 741 STATE PARKS SYSTEM (324.74101...324.74126)
Section 324.74101 Definitions.
Section 324.74102 Legislative findings; duties of department.
Section 324.74102a Duties of commission; report.
Section 324.74102b Transfer of 100 acres or more than 15% of total acreage of state park; proposal; public hearing; recommendation; conditions; website; definitions.
Section 324.74103 Powers of department; land acquisition and improvement program.
Section 324.74103a Shooting range; posting hours of operation.
Section 324.74104 “Adopt-a-park” program.
Section 324.74105 Volunteers; appointment; immunity from civil liability; carrying of firearm prohibited.
Section 324.74106 Revenue bonds; issuance; amount; notice; includable costs; resolution.
Section 324.74107 Authority of department.
Section 324.74108 Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; contents.
Section 324.74109 Repealed. 2003, Act 170, Eff. Jan. 1, 2004.
Section 324.74110 Revenue bonds; state debt; extent of liability.
Section 324.74111 Revenue bonds; refunding issue.
Section 324.74112 Maximum rate of interest; sale and award of bonds; public or private sale; advertisement; notice of sale.
Section 324.74113 State park revenues; fiscal agent; receiving fund; expenses; designation of paying agents.
Section 324.74114 Fees; establishment; collection; deposit.
Section 324.74115 Free entry of motor vehicles into posted park prohibited.
Section 324.74116 Entry into state park by nonresident or resident motor vehicle; permit; payment of recreation passport fee; registration tab or sticker; exceptions.
Section 324.74117 Park permits beginning October 1, 2010; nonresident motor vehicle park permit; fees; sale; loss or destruction of permit; use of credit card; additional permits for special services or park privileges; adjustment of amounts.
Section 324.74118 Park permits; monthly accounting; compensation; report.
Section 324.74119 Michigan state parks endowment fund.
Section 324.74120 Rules.
Section 324.74121 State parks; prohibited conduct.
Section 324.74122 Violation; presumption; penalty.
Section 324.74123 Repealed. 2010, Act 32, Eff. Oct. 1, 2010.
Section 324.74124 Create "gem of the parks", "volunteer of the year", and "employee of the year" award program.
Section 324.74125 Bonds; exemption from taxation.
Section 324.74126 "Fred Meijer White Pine Trail State Park"; "Fred Meijer Berry Junction Trail"; criteria for naming state parks and state owned recreational facilities.
451-1994-III-4-2-PARKS-742 PART 742 CAMP REGISTRATION CARDS (324.74201...324.74207)
Section 324.74201 Camp registration card; posting; definition.
Section 324.74202 Camp registration card; obtaining; contents; posting.
Section 324.74203 Disposal of rubbish.
Section 324.74204 Camp registration cards; printing and distribution.
Section 324.74205 Enforcement of part; duty of peace officers.
Section 324.74206 Violation of part; penalty.
Section 324.74207 Applicability of part.
451-1994-III-4-2-PARKS-743 PART 743 STATE PARKS FOUNDATION (324.74301...324.74306)
Section 324.74301 Definitions.
Section 324.74302 Michigan state parks foundation; appointment and terms of members; vacancy; removal; meetings; quorum; selection of chairperson, vice-chairperson, and other officials; compensation; staff assistance; conducting business at public meeting.
Section 324.74303 Michigan state parks foundation; purpose.
Section 324.74304 Michigan state parks foundation; duties.
Section 324.74305 Michigan state parks foundation; management; use of assets.
Section 324.74306 Accounting.
451-1994-III-4-2-PARKS-751 PART 751 DARK SKY PRESERVE (324.75101...324.75106)
Section 324.75101 Definitions.
Section 324.75102 Designation as dark sky preserves; prohibition as to establishment in Upper Peninsula.
Section 324.75103 Outdoor lighting; installation; limitation.
Section 324.75104 Outdoor lighting; requirements.
Section 324.75105 Use and development not restricted; conditions.
Section 324.75106 Repealed. 2002, Act 3, Eff. Mar. 31, 2003.
Section 324.76101 Definitions.
Section 324.76102 Aboriginal records and antiquities; right to explore, survey, excavate, and regulate reserved to state; possessory right or title to abandoned property.
Section 324.76103 Underwater salvage and preserve committee; creation; purpose; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; vacancy; compensation; appointment, term, and duties of chairperson; committee as advisory body; functions of committee; limitation.
Section 324.76104 Deed; clause reserving to state property and exploration rights in aboriginal antiquities; exceptions; waiver.
Section 324.76105 Permit for exploration or excavation of aboriginal remain; exception.
Section 324.76106 Removal of relics or records of antiquity; consent of landowner required.
Section 324.76107 Permit to recover, alter, or destroy abandoned property; recovered property as property of department of history, arts, and libraries; prohibitions as to human body or remains; violation; penalty; prior convictions.
Section 324.76108 Recovery of abandoned property without permit; report; availability of recovered property for inspection; release of property.
Section 324.76109 Recovery of abandoned property; permit; scope; application; filing, form, and contents; additional information or documents; approval or disapproval of application; conditions; payment of salvage costs; recovery of cargo outside Great Lakes bottomlands preserves; administrative review; conduct of hearing; combined appeals; joint decision and order; duration of permit; issuance of new permit; transfer or assignment of permit.
Section 324.76110 Recovered abandoned property; report; examination; removal from state; action for recovery; release of property.
Section 324.76111 Great Lakes bottomlands preserve; establishment; rules; determination; factors; granting permit to recover abandoned artifacts; limitation; intentional sinking of vessel; prohibited use of state money; Thunder Bay Great Lakes state bottomland preserve.
Section 324.76112 Rules generally.
Section 324.76113 Limitations not imposed by MCL 324.76107 to 324.76110.
Section 324.76114 Suspension or revocation of permit; grounds; hearing; civil action.
Section 324.76115 Dangers accepted by participants in sport of scuba diving.
Section 324.76116 Violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 324.76117 Attaching, proceeding against, or confiscating equipment or apparatus; procedure; disposition of proceeds.
Section 324.76118 Underwater preserve fund; creation; sources of revenue; purposes for which money appropriated.