NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Section 324.9101 Definitions; A to W.
Section 324.9102, 324.9103 Repealed. 2000, Act 504, Imd. Eff. Jan. 11, 2001.
Section 324.9104 Rules; availability of information.
Section 324.9105 Administration and enforcement of rules; resolution; ordinance; interlocal agreement; review; notice of results; informal meeting; probation; consultant; inspection fees; rescission of order, stipulation, or probation.
Section 324.9106 Ordinances; written interlocal agreement.
Section 324.9107 Notice of violation.
Section 324.9108 Permit; deposit as condition for issuance.
Section 324.9109 Agreement between public agency or county or municipal enforcing agency and conservation district; purpose; reviews and evaluations of agency's programs or procedures; agreement between person engaged in agricultural practices and conservation district; notification; enforcement.
Section 324.9110 Designation as authorized public agency; application; submission of procedures; variance; approval.
Section 324.9111 Repealed. 2000, Act 504, Imd. Eff. Jan. 11, 2001.
Section 324.9112 Earth change; permit required; effect of property transfer; violation; notice; hearing; answer; evidence; stipulation or consent order; final order of determination.
Section 324.9113 Injunction; inspection and investigation.
Section 324.9114 Additional rules.
Section 324.9115 Logging, mining, or land plowing or tilling; permit exemption; "mining" defined.
Section 324.9115a Earth change activities not requiring permit; violations.
Section 324.9116 Reduction of soil erosion or sedimentation by owner.
Section 324.9117 Notice of determination.
Section 324.9118 Compliance; time.
Section 324.9119 Entry upon land; construction, implementation, and maintenance of soil erosion and sedimentation control measures; cost.
Section 324.9120 Reimbursement of county or municipal enforcing agency; lien for expenses; priority; collection and treatment of lien.
Section 324.9121 Violations; penalties.
Section 324.9122 Severability.
Section 324.9123 Training program; certificate; fees.
Section 324.9123a Soil erosion and sedimentation control training fund; creation; disposition of funds; lapse; expenditures.