MCL - Index of 215-1895-VII
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
215-1895-VII-MAYOR. | MAYOR. (87.1...87.4) |
Section 87.1 | Mayor; duties. |
Section 87.2 | Mayor; conservator of peace; limitation. |
Section 87.3 | Mayor; suspension of appointed officers, procedure; records, inspection. |
Section 87.4 | Mayor; vacancy in office, president pro tem. |
215-1895-VII-ALDERMEN. | ALDERMEN. (87.5...87.5) |
Section 87.5 | Aldermen; powers, duties. |
215-1895-VII-CITY-CLERK. | CITY CLERK. (87.6...87.10) |
Section 87.6 | City clerk; powers, duties. |
Section 87.7 | City clerk; general accountant; tax reports. |
Section 87.8 | Supervision duties over moneys and property; accounts. |
Section 87.9 | Financial report to council. |
Section 87.10 | Deputy; appointment, duties; responsibility of clerk. |
215-1895-VII-CITY-TREASURER. | CITY TREASURER. (87.11...87.15) |
Section 87.11 | City treasurer; powers; duties; depositary, bond; deputy. |
Section 87.12 | Financial reports; time. |
Section 87.13 | Payment receipts and vouchers. |
Section 87.14 | Repealed. 1974, Act 345, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 1974. |
Section 87.15 | Public moneys; prohibited handling; removal from office. |
215-1895-VII-CITY-MARSHAL. | CITY MARSHAL. (87.16...87.19) |
Section 87.16 | City marshal; chief of police and peace officer; duties. |
Section 87.17 | City marshal; suppression of riots. |
Section 87.18 | Monthly report to council; contents; moneys, disposition. |
Section 87.19 | Fees. |
215-1895-VII-CITY-ATTORNEY. | CITY ATTORNEY. (87.20...87.20) |
Section 87.20 | City attorney; duties. |
215-1895-VII-CITY-SURVEYOR. | CITY SURVEYOR. (87.21...87.21) |
Section 87.21 | City surveyor; powers, duties. |
Section 87.22 | Street commissioner; duties. |
Section 87.23 | Monthly report to council; contents; marshal as street commissioner. |
215-1895-VII-CONSTABLES. | CONSTABLES. (87.24...87.25) |
Section 87.24 | Constables; powers, duties. |
Section 87.25 | Neglect or refusal to perform duty; penalty; bond. |
215-1895-VII-SUPERVISORS. | SUPERVISORS. (87.26...87.27) |
Section 87.26 | Supervisors; powers, duties; representation upon county board. |
Section 87.27 | Selection of jury lists. |
215-1895-VII-JUSTICES-OF-THE-PEACE. | JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. (87.28...87.37) |
Section 87.28-87.36 | Repealed. 1974, Act 345, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 1974. |
Section 87.37 | Additional powers and liabilities of officers. |
Section 87.38 | City officers; compensation; fees. |
Section 87.39 | Increase or diminishment of salary during term prohibited; exception; eligibility for office resigned or vacated. |
Section 87.40 | Ordinance establishing alternate procedure for determining salaries; local officials compensation commission; resolution; petition for referendum; changing procedure by charter amendment or revision. |